Brozone in: brozone's back

Start from the beginning

The shot then returned back to the interview, with the person interviewing Velvet and Veneer asking the duo, "Last question; how do you guys stay the biggest superstars Mount Rageous has ever known? What's your secret"?

That question made Veneer appear a little nervous as he hesitantly stammered while desperately trying to stay calm, "Secret? Ha, ha, we don't have a secret! Who says we have a secret"?!

Velvet, luckily, got him to easily calm down and respond on his behalf while Veneer tried to ease a little and relax, though his face told otherwise, "What my calm, casual-sounding brother means is that it's simple really; it just takes lots of hard work and loads of natural talent."

In the recording studio, by themselves, Velvet and Veneer tried to sing runs into the mic and sounded very off-key, not at once sounding anything close to melodic.

That was why. They were actually AWFUL singers! They had no singing talent, and as you could hear, their voices were so bad that a cat's screech would be more pleasant to hear!

Velvet was visibly frustrated, letting out an annoyed sigh before she told Veneer, "If we're going to make it through the Rage Dome show, we're gonna need more Troll"!

"Do we really need more Troll to sing better," Veneer asked with a hesitant shrug.

Velvet rolled her eyes before answering, "Yes; we can't just go out there sounding like this now, can we"?

As the pair exited the recording booth, Velvet eyed someone who was working to sound booth, yelling towards the person, "Crimp, what are you doing"?!
Crimp, who to some resembled a mop head, was a fuzzy little orange hairball-like creature with round eyes and purple arms, who wore white sunglasses over her eyes, a purple scrunchy on her head to hold some of her hair in a bun, and purple lipstick.

As she moved a slide switch down, with branch, who was in the diamond bottle, next to her watching all of this go on, she nervously looked up at Velvet and Veneer, stammering, "Uh, I'm standing"?

Veneer, regaining his composure and trying to match Velvet's bossy attitude, instructed sternly, "Well, be a good little assistant and go stand in the corner," before pointing to the empty spot in the studio.

"Oh, yes," Crimp nervously replied as she leaped down and walked towards the spot to stand. However, Veneer didn't specify exactly which corner to stand in, and tried to find the one that best looked like a corner to stand in.

This was a...peculiar sight to see, but all it really did was that it annoyed Velvet, who groaned and shouted, "Ok, I cannot with her"!

"It's really too much," Veneer added.

But that quickly went away when Velvet eyed the bottle and smiled, saying, "Well, time for a spritz"!

branch turns his back on them, it made velvet gasped.

"Are you-are you ignoring us" she asked.

"You two ruined everything, you ruined my friend's wedding, you tried to hurt my brothers then you kidnapped me"

"Oh please we're putting your talent to good use" velvet says.

"Forget it! I'm not gonna do it" branch crosses his arms.

"Did you just tell us no"

"Yes, I barely have anymore talent left to give! ! mean, maybe like a desperate Christmas album or a one-off national anthem performance.....but that is it"

While Venner looked primarily conflicted, Velvet, annoyed again, retorted with harsh sarcasm, "Oh really, you don't wanna? Ok, that's fine; we'll just kiss our careers goodbye and focus on charity"

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