Brozone in: royal wedding

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Fast forward 20 years later, that same song was being played on a record inside the same pod. Who was listening to it, you may ask?

On a record player, the red-and-yellow centered record, labeled "Perfect by BroZone" was spinning and playing the song while Branch, who was now a lot older than his baby days, listened and forlornly looked at the album cover that the record came from.

The image of seeing him and his brothers together brought back bad memories of that fateful night.

At the moment, the male Pop Troll was dressed in a white dress T-shirt and a sparkly fancy leaf vest over it, and matching green sparkly shorts; he was dressed for something special, which was ironic considering he wasn't feeling as good as he looked.

At the moment, the male Pop Troll was dressed in a white dress T-shirt and a sparkly fancy leaf vest over it, and matching green sparkly shorts; he was dressed for something special, which was ironic considering he wasn't feeling as good as he looked

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Behind him, the pod door opened and a familiar faces entered the pod: John Dory and Floyd.

"Alright, you ready for a wedding branch-branch? Are you ok" John asked as he and Floyd approached him.

"What's wrong?" Floyd asked.

"Nothing I just been thinking about that night, do you ever regret it John"

"What? No and remember it wasn't your fault, you weren't ready so don't go blaming yourself ok" John says.

"Yes right branch, don't blame yourself, you did your best" Floyd says.

"Yeah I guess your right"

"You bet we are" John Jumps in joy.

"Now come on, We're gonna be late to the royal wedding. Let's go  get  Bridget and Gristle married, but hey how great is it that your band is gonna perform at their wedding" John asked.

"It's pretty great"

"Speaking of which have you asked poppy...the question yet" Floyd asked.

"Well no not yet" branch says.

"What why?" John asked.

"Well every time I try to say something my words fall, ugh you made it so easy when you proposed to delta and you Floyd to barb" branch grunts.

"All you need to do is get on one knee and say: poppy I always liked you will you marry and there you go, maybe someday you'll get to have a wedding like gristle" John explained.

But suddenly John noticed something off with branch, "huh? Wait?" He grabs his face.

"What's wrong?" Floyd was concerned.

"I'm sorry, is it me or-are you...oh my you are! Are you getting pale, you don't look so good branch" John asked.

"What?" It caught Floyd's attention cupping branch's face.

"Oh yeah sorry it's these late shows me and kismet are doing, it's nothing" branch chuckled nervously.

"Branch" John makes a deadpan expression, "how many times do I have to tell you, you got to be careful, I don't want you getting sick or worst"

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