Chapter 7

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Hariprasad Pov

I was standing on my balcony, looking at the city lights twinkling in the distance. The cool night air wraps around me.

"What's so special about this case, Hari?" The words of Joshua echoed in my mind. I take a deep breath, feeling intense pain in my chest as I remember my awful deeds. I regretted the choices I made that led me to this moment. The weight of guilt and shame settled heavily on my shoulders.

"You have been roaming with your male colleagues behind my back? Do you think I never came to know about this?did you forget that I am a police officer"

"Your colleagues are more important than me, right? I should be your priority, Leela"

" Are they better than me? why you don't want me ?"

The words I used to Leela flashed behind my head, The words I spilled out in anger were like daggers, cutting deep into Leela's heart. Her tears-stricken face is still on my mind, I got blinded by over-possessiveness and assumed she got bored of me which is not true.

Leela and I were great friends throughout university, and our friendship gradually evolved into love. After getting jobs, we began living together without our parents' knowledge. My day begins and ends with Leela and my attachment to her grows stronger every day, I always wanted to keep her close at all times. Everything went well in our love life until one day I found myself becoming obsessed with her. I always wanted to keep her close at all times. I couldn't bear the thought of being apart from her, constantly checking on her, and becoming jealous of anyone who took up her time. It became clear that my feelings had crossed a dangerous line into an unhealthy obsession. I was addicted to her like a drug, unable to function without her presence.

Leela and I never had a physical relationship since she indicated she was uncomfortable before marriage, which made me insecure. Moreover, she stopped being intimate with me which made my insecurity grow even more but I didn't realize it was all due to my toxic behavior.

I didn't want her to be close to any other men, but life was not in my control. One time, Leela was the only girl in her team and had to work closely with a male colleague on a project. My jealousy reached its peak, causing constant arguments and tension between us. A few rumors have been going on about Leela's friendly nature in the workplace; they seem to be misinterpreted by some, adding fuel to my irrational fears and insecurities.

That time I didn't think about Leela's feelings. all I wanted was to assert my dominance and protect what I believed was mine. My possessiveness was fueled by insecurity and fear of losing her to someone else.

One night, which was the worst day of my life because I committed an awful deed against Leela which marked the end of our relationship.

Leela's absence made my life so empty that I found myself constantly searching for ways to fill the void she left behind. The laughter and joy she brought into my days were sorely missed, leaving me feeling lost and incomplete without her presence. I started to feel regret that I had been dumbfounded by over-possessiveness and treated her badly, my toxic behavior pushing her away when all I wanted was for her to stay by my side. Now, I realize the depth of my mistake and wish I could turn back time to make things right with Leela, but she hates me now. The worst feeling in the world is guilt, which I was unable to control after Leela left my life. Sometimes I do convince myself that it's not the end of the world and I have other things to do in my life.

After 2 years, I heard about Leela's accident, and my world stopped, I hurt her enough, and She deserves a happy life. I took this case to protect her and punish the one who hurt her.
I know I can never fully make up for my past actions, but I am determined to do everything in my power to make amends and show Leela that I have changed for the better.

Suddenly, I heard my sister's voice, followed by a knock on my door. "Can I come in?" she asked. I quickly replied, "Sure, come in."

"Your doctor texted me, she said you skipped the appointments and were not responding to their texts." She asked me while I was walking towards the chair.

"Savi, I am busy with a new case, my full concentration is on that right now," I explained, hoping she would understand my situation.

"I know you're busy, but your mental health is important too. Please don't neglect it," she said softly as she sat down next to me.

"I am alright now, and no therapy is required, Savi," I assured her, trying to convince her that I was handling things fine on my own. "

"Just promise me you'll take care of yourself, Prasad. Always remember that we love you," she said with concern in her eyes.

"Promise, Don't worry so much, sissy." I patted her cheek affectionately before giving her a reassuring smile. "I trust you, Prasad," she replied, squeezing my hand before standing up to leave.

"Good night," she said softly before walking away from my room. I checked my phone and saw the messages from my therapist. It's not going to help me in any way, my therapy is her, MY LALEE.

Tears formed in my eyes. Following our breakup, life became meaningless, and I felt lost without her guidance and support. I knew I needed to deal with my emotions and go forward, but it seemed impossible without her by my side. The guilt made me think about taking my life. I did it but failed miserably, I decided to be strong and move on without her for my family.

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