Chapter 5:

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Scene 1:

Setting: Beyond the Portal/Gate

Date: March 13th, 2323

"Enemy soldiers incoming!!!"

Moore jerked upright. Several hours had passed since their arrival, and now the sun of this foreign land was shining above. Looking up, Moore saw what seemed to be thousands of enemy soldiers charging his position.

"All units, open fire!!" Moore shouted, firing three shots toward the incoming enemy. Behind him, two M74 Heavy Tanks fired their payload of 30 pound shells at breakneck speed. Firing at a rate of 45 shells a minute, the tanks alongside the infantry tore huge holes into the advancing enemy. In the distance, something resembling a trebuchet sling a giant boulder towards the tanks. This triggered the energy shields on the tanks, and pretty soon, Moore observed the boulder simply bouncing off of the energy shield, landing on several enemy soldiers rushing out from some nearby bushes.

Suddenly, two flying dragon units fly out from the trees, making a bee-line towards Moore and his unit. Seeing the imminent danger, Moore quickly opened fire towards the beasts. The dragons with the enemy soldiers on them fell right back into the trees.

"Major, the enemy is coming too quickly! We can't hold the position for much longer if they keep on this for another minute!" a soldier shouted towards Moore. "We need reinforcements!"

"Copy that soldier!" Moore shouted back. Adjusting his radio, Moore barked into his headset.

"Mission Command, this is Unit 1917. Requesting more reinforcements! Enemy is trying to flank our position."

"Unit 1917, this is Mission Command. Sending in ten E5 Crusaders and one F-93 Quadcopter. ETA is thirty seconds."

"Copy that Mission Command, Unit 1917 over and out," Moore said, readjusting his radio headset in his helmet.

Before long, the quadcopter showed up. Its back hatch opened up as ten E5 Crusaders jumped out and landed at the infantry's position. The E5 Crusader was a giant advanced juggernaut suit ten feet high supported by mechanisms inside the armor. Fielding massive grenade launchers, machine guns, and laser rifles, the soldiers in the Crusader suits quickly formed a protective line between the infantry and the enemy soldiers. A random stray enemy soldier would end up close enough to swing their melee weapon against the Crusaders, only to get knocked back by the energy shield around the Crusader, or by the butt of the weapon they were wielding.

"Fire at anything that can move! We need to push up towards the hill!"

Scene 2:

Setting: Tartarus Detention Center, somewhere in the Arctic Poles

Date: March 13th, 2323

Professor Zhang XiaoLan walked down the hallways of the maximum security prison. Following the security escort, XiaoLan couldn't help but notice the claustrophobia the building gave off, despite the hallways being quite high. Although she couldn't see a single camera, XiaoLan knew that there were massive amounts of them hidden from plain sight, monitoring every move of the prisoners.

The reason for XiaoLan being here in the first place was thanks to the President. In an attempt to understand more about the Prisoners of War that the UEG detained from the Atlas Tech Incident, the President and Congress asked numerous experts consisting of biologists, doctors, linguists, historians, and people of other professions to gather information from the POW's to better understand who they are, what they are, and why everything that has unfurled happened in the first place. Being an expert linguist and historian, XiaoLan was personally asked by President Wade to go help the ongoing investigation.

"This way, Professor Zhang," one of the security officers beckoned, showing XiaoLan to a room. Inside was a table with numerous interrogation equipment on it. Two armed guards stood at the end, flanking the once former Imperial Secondary General Tiberius Marcellus. Stripped of his armor, Marcellus wore a set of orange prison clothes, with his hands chained to the table by a set of handcuffs.

XiaoLan sits down at the other end of the table, pulling up an information window. While doing so, she couldn't help but notice Marcellus's fear of the bright glowing square in front of him and XiaoLan. After pressing several buttons, XiaoLan began her conversation with Marcellus.

"Hello sir, can you understand me?" XiaoLan spoke, looking at Marcellus. Marcellus returns XiaoLan's stare with an angry glare. Expecting this, XiaoLan pulls up a chart full of words and pictures. Flipping the information window over so Marcellus could see what was on it, XiaoLan started to translate languages between her and Marcellus.

Scene 3:

Setting: The Empire Capital, an estimated 230 miles from the Gate

Date: March 13th, 2323

Akira could barely feel her feet.

Her body completely stripped of any items of clothing, with her hands tied up by a rope, she, alongside everyone who was in the cage with her about a week ago, trudges painfully towards the giant castle situated on the mountain top overlooking the entire capital city of the Empire. All around them, soldiers with whips flanked them, whipping and beating those who were too slow or didn't follow the rest of them. Being given little to no food, Akira was on the brink of starvation from traveling to the Capital of the Empire. The same could be said about everyone else.

Three beings suddenly approached the convoy. A man, unmistakably a rich and noble person of this world alongside two guards. The noble had a brief conversation with the head soldier holding the girls hostage, before gesturing to all the soldiers to follow him up a bunch of stairs towards the castle. For what felt like hours, Akira walked up the steep steps, feeling like she was about to lose consciousness. Finally reaching the top, Akira attempts to sit down real quick.

"Oi you, what are you doing?! Get bloody going!"

Akira felt someone kick her in the back, causing her to topple forward onto the ground. Forced to get up, she whimpers as she and everyone else continue forward into the castle. Navigating through the series of corridors, it didn't take long for the noble to lead them to their destination.

Filing into the room, Akira and the others are forced into chains along the wall. No one even tried to fight back, they had lost their hope ages ago. Through the constant tears, Akira saw Juila, Isabella, and Runa next to her, just as tired and hopeless as she was.

Suddenly without warning, another man strode in with a set of bodyguards and nobles. Dressed in obvious royal clothing, his demeanor made Akira and the others flinch.

"All of you, bow down for Prince Erebus El Caesar of the Empire!!!" a guard shouted, pointing at all the girls. However since none of them understood a word this guard barked at them, they all stood there, scared and trembling. With a look of displeasure on his face, Erebus snapped his fingers at one of his escorts. This, this being that looked like an elf strode forward. With the flick of his hand, Akira suddenly found herself bowing down with no recollection of her actually bending down. Chuckling, Erebus addressed the ladies.

"You all are now slaves under my command. Now go upstairs and go to your quarters!!!"

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