Chapter 4:

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Scene 1:

Setting: Beyond the Portal/Gate, Enemy Territory

Date: March 4th, 2323

Akira woke up abruptly from her slumber as someone dumped water over her.

"Hahahahaha! Look at 'em, all poor and defenseless!"

Akira looks at where the voice came from. In the doorway of the giant cage she was in, two soldiers were laughing at the sight of her being drenched with water. Shuddering with fear, Akira tries desperately to get as far away from the doorway as possible, but ends up colliding with another person.

All around Akira, many other captured girls/women had been hit with the water, and just like her, all were trying to get away from the soldiers. Akira saw her friends Julia, Isabella, and Runa in the far corner of the giant cage. Flanking both of her sides, several other women and girls also try to get as far away from the door as possible, all with fear in their eyes. In a language none of the women could understand, the two soldiers jeered at them, and closed the cage door.

The memories of what happened in the past few days suddenly popped up in Akira's head. Tears of fear start to slide down her face, as she remembered being captured, dragged against their will, tortured, and being r***** by the men in medieval armor.

"Hey honey, don't cry."

Akira shakily looks up. Two older women in their late 20s - early 30s, an Asian woman and a white woman kneeled in front of her, looking tired and disheveled. The Asian lady approached her.

"Come here."

Akira crawled over, and hugged the Asian lady. Both women start to comfort Akira as she wept bucketfull of tears.

"There there little one...What's your name?" the white lady asked, brushing Akira's hair out of the way.

"A...Ak...Akira..." Akira spoke, trembling from head to toe.

"Akira, my name is Taylor. This is Esther," Taylor (Smith) said, gesturing towards the Asian lady. Esther (Yi) gets closer to the two, and together, all three of them went over to the far corner where Julia, Isabella, and Runa were huddled. Julia is whimpering from pain, while Isabella is crying, with Runa trying to comfort the two.

"I hope we are saved..."

Scene 2:

Setting: Presidential Palaces, in the city of Utopiana, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean

Date: March 12th, 2323

President Thomas Wade walks up towards the podium set in the center of the courtyard. In the courtyard, numerous Government officials, the press, military personnel, and the Presidential Guard surrounded the podium. Clearing his throat, Wade begins to speak.

"Good day to you my fellow citizens. As everyone knows, around a week ago, there was an unprecedented attack against the people of the UEG. As of now, the current death toll from the attack against us by enemy entities from the portal is 8,734 individuals, with a current 3,089 people labeled missing. Due to this, I, as President of the United Earthern Government, have asked the UEG Congress to declare war against the entities and potential nations that attacked us indiscriminately. According to assessments made by drones that were sent through the portal, we are facing an enemy that seems to come directly from a fantasy world of magic, with soldiers and units being described similar to mythical creatures such as elves, goblins, ogres, dragons, and other beings. Fielding an estimated number of 3,000,000 soldiers and 500 airborne units, the enemy undoubtedly outnumbers the currently prepared 50,000 UEG soldiers. However, we are at a technological advantage, as the enemy fields medieval weapons and armor, while we donn state of the art weapons and armor. Starting in three hours, under the command of General Luis Guerrir, the UEG will invade through the portal and defeat the overwhelming enemy force. One must always remember, we are created equal, and as the enemy has violated this law by attacking our people, we must fight back. God bless the United Earthern Government."

Scene 3:

Setting: Atlas Tech Inc. Facility AZ51028LW, 8 Miles from the outskirts of New York City

Date: March 12th, 2323

"All units, time to roll in. Operation Portal begins now!"

Moore readies his assault rifle and gestures towards his unit to get going. Congress and the President have made the order to storm the portal. Placed on full power, the portal is unlikely to shut down in the next 100 years, according to the scientists. The walls of the facility were ripped open to allow the mass amounts of ITV's and tanks to drive through the portal gate. Loading into the nearest ITV, Moore and his unit of infantry immediately get into position, before the ITV lurches forward, driving into the portal.

Through a flurry of flashing colors, the ITV landed on the other side of the portal. Immediately, the surrounding area darkened, appearing to be night time outside in this foreign world.

"Well I'll be damned..." Moore spoke, looking out the window. The portal on the end of this strange world was supported by a stone archway, completely different from the metallic arch in the Atlas testing facility. Surrounded by trees, the stone arch looked very much like the remains of a once magnificent temple.

"We're making contact with enemy forces!"

Moore and the rest of the unit looked up. Around a mile away from the ITV, a line of tents could be seen perched on a hill. This was clearly an enemy encampment.

"All of you, get your weapons ready in case these bastards storm us!" Moore shouted, as the door of the ITV opened to let them out of the vehicle. Flanking the ITV and its turret, Moore and his soldiers lifted all their guns and pointed it in the direction of the enemy camp.

"We have contact!" one soldier shouted. Moore looked into the trees to see some enemy soldiers charge towards the huddle of soldiers. With several shots, the enemy fell to the ground.

"Hold the line for now. Reinforcements are inbound!"

Scene 4:

Setting: Beyond the Gate/Portal, Enemy Encampment

Date: March 13th, 2323

Imperial General Orpheus Nox sat in the command tent, staring at the map laid out in front of him. Overnight, his men reported that the backup force around the gate had basically vanished. Several days ago, his men had returned with many forms of treasure and slaves, telling the others in camp about the weak people of the foreign world and the vast amounts of wealth from that world. However, this all immediately started to change, as soon less and less soldiers came back, many with extreme wounds. All of them talked about these outsiders who fielded deadly magical weapons that killed a man before they could make one step towards them. In an attempt to fix the situation, Nox had ordered a small unit of soldiers to go and guard the gate and to periodically send a messenger over. By now, it is morning, and the messenger had failed to show up.

Nox grumpily paced around the tent, kicking a random pebble on the ground. Suddenly, a soldier ran up to him.

"General! The messenger is here!" the soldier announced.

"About time! What took them so long?!" Nox exclaimed, asking the soldier.

"I don't know sir. The messenger himself isn't in good condition. He brings bad news," the soldier answered, pointing outside the tent. Nox headed out to meet the messenger.

The messenger, being a boy no older than 16, was heavily panting, his armor coated with red blood, his shield half missing, with his sword completely missing.

"What in tarnation happened messenger?!" Nox asked, lifting the boy to his feet.

"Ge..General..." the boy panted. "The"

"What?!" Nox shouted, dropping the boy. "Where are your comrades?!"

"D..Dead...sir..." the boy whimpered, curling into a ball. "The enemy f-fields d-dangero-ous weap-pons...They mowed us instantly!"

"That's it!!!" Nox shouted, stomping the ground. "All garrisons, go and attack the enemy at the gate!"

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