chapter 8

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Present time

Jeremy looked up to his next suspect who was present at the crime scene..

Jeremy : so Mr aarav mathur it is

He stated but got cut off by the other

Aarav : you know my name?

He asked, but soon enough he realised the reason why he is in their in the first place, and he can't help but to feel like a dumb boy..

Aarav : iam sorry I shouldn't have been surprised, you called me for interrogation, there's no way you don't know my name.

He corrected himself a little embarrassed with his own comment..

Jeremy smile and replied

Jeremy : how could I not know your name, when you are the rising star, ofcourse everyone here knows very well who you are.

Aarav smile awkwardly, he feels like a self obsessed person who struck up nonsence topic just to hear others appraisal and positive comments. He didn't intended to do that but somehow it sounds like that.

Jeremy : I am sure you have a lot of concerts and shows to attend, but thanks for making up some time for us, so lets just warp this up as quickly as possible..

Aarav Nodded in agreement before fixing his composure and sit straight on the chair..

Jeremy : so did you know the victim?

Aarav : yes I do we meet on few musical events here and there.

He answered truthfully, Jeremy smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.

Jeremy : were you both close,

Aarav : not quite well we are just acquaintances, greetings hi and hello occasionally..

Jeremy : you mean professional..

He added, earning a nod from aarav.

Jeremy : if I am not wrong she is still a student of your former prestigious academy, and quite young but have gained a lot success in such short time, impressive right.

He said dragging the word prestigious academy longer than necessary.

Aarav : she is hardworking so it's not a surprise.

He replied with affirmation, earning a nod from Jeremy.

Jeremy : I must say you know her quite well.

He commented back this time a sarcastic smile took over his lips as he continued

Jeremy : interesting.

He hummed and Aarav can feel hostility and sarcasm in his words.

Aarav : what are you trying to imply detective, your words sounds like you have already concluded everything on your own..

Jeremy : you think so, I must say you are a sharp one, catching on things quicker then I expected.

He sighed before looking down the bunch of papers laying on the table, as he keeps flipping the papers one after another.

Jeremy : so let me ask you one more time, what's your relationship with her.

He asked, a deep tired sigh left Aarav's lips as he replied..

Aarav : like I said she is just an acquaintance..

Jeremy : acquaintance you say..

Jeremy smirked at his own remarks..

Aarav : like I said before I am really not getting what you are trying to imply here detective jeremy, so can you please elaborate so I can understand..

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