chapter 14

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Aro quickly contacted Kol and Klaus in a three-way phone call, appreciating the convenience of modern technology at times, but also despising it. They both answered, eager to hear any information Aro had. "Yes, Aro, you better have some valuable intel," Kol spoke, with Klaus adding, "I'm here with my dear brother. What news do you bring?"

"Just a while ago, Edward called. He chose his own life over young Isabella's. He knew that exposing us would result in death, and Caius gave him the ultimatum to choose between his life and Isabella's. Edward claimed that she is his mate, but she dumped him before he could change. We won't involve ourselves in this matter. He is yours to deal with as you please. However, I would like to gather my Volturi members and a few witnesses for whatever punishment you deem appropriate for young Edward," Aro explained.

"We can arrange that, but remember that vampires are not allowed to hunt in Forks or La Push. And if Caius accompanies you, he must not target the shape-shifters," Aro added.

"I will make sure to pass on the message. By the way, how is young Bella? If she faces any trouble, I can send someone from my guard to assist," Aro offered.

"If we require help, we will call upon you. Don't forget, Aro, we are after stronger and completely immortal beings. A single spark can turn your kind into a walking bonfire," Klaus warned.

"As for the coven leaders, you are free to deal with them as you see fit, unless they played a significant role in my mate's condition," Aro stated.

"You and your brothers certainly enjoy making examples out of those who break your rules," Klaus remarked.

Meanwhile, Jasper, Rose, Emmett, Peter, Charlotte, and the rest of the Mikaelsons all arrived in Seattle.

"Ah, Jasper, Peter, and my favorite twisted lady, Charlotte Whitlock. I'm glad you all could join us Kol spoke first. Klaus is your brother, and you are part of our family, so of course, you would come," Aro greeted them. Charlotte replied, "It's been too long, my sister. And dear brother, your unique gift has never failed us. Is there danger approaching?" Jasper inquired.

That's the reason I'm here. I understand why you're here, Jasp. But, what exactly are Rose and Emmett doing here?
Rose never wanted Bella to be with Edward because of the way he treated her. And Emmett sees Bella as a little sister, while she sees him as a big brother or a teddy bear. They're here mainly to support Bella.

Does Klaus know that we're all coming? Oh, sorry, sugar, I forgot to tell him. I think, said Charlotte, nervously looking at her mate.

Well, Jasper, Rose, or Emmett, lead the way to Bella's house.
Kol looked at the group and said, I'll call the poor guy and let him know that the gang and a few extra people showed up to support him and his new mate

The Swan and her Mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن