chapter 11

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Alice's visions of Bella ceased after they left Forks, leading her to believe that Bella had taken her own life. Worried, Alice called Edward to share the news. "Ed, I can't see Bella anymore," she said anxiously. "And Jasper sensed that you lied about Bella breaking up with you. On top of that, I saw Jasper and Rose in Forks." Edward replied, trying to reassure Alice, "Are you sure, Alice? Your visions aren't always accurate and can change based on a person's decisions." Frustrated, Edward continued, "They don't know that I fed from her or took her against her will, or even when I hit her for not obeying my rules about what she could read or watch. And I allowed her less freedom than she deserved." Alice warned him, "Edward, you better hope nobody finds out, especially the Volturi." Edward assured her, "I'll take care of the Volturi. I have to go now, Alice." Suddenly, the line went dead. Unbeknownst to Edward, he was being followed, and someone had overheard everything he said to Alice. Peter and Charlotte were tailing him, and they were in for a shock. "Char, I'm already on it," Charlotte said, swiftly grabbing Peter's phone and texting Kol Mikaelson, explaining the situation. She hit send and handed the phone back to Peter. "What do we do now, sug?" Peter asked. Charlotte replied, "We need to head to Forks. Klaus will want to hear it directly from us, firsthand." Peter expressed concern, "Damn, Klaus is terrifying when he's angry. And if you add his mate into the mix, it's a deadly combination." Charlotte smirked and said, "Sugar, if you think Klaus is bad, just wait until you meet a feral Kol Mikaelson. He's even worse than Klaus."

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