chapter 18

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Klaus, my friend, I understand that you're feeling angry and upset right now, but tearing up the forest or harming animals won't solve anything. Let's take a moment to calm down and talk things through. Billy spoke with encouragement, reminding Klaus to find a calmer state before continuing the conversation.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Bella informed Rebekah that she was going to rest in her room. Charlotte saw this as the perfect opportunity to approach Klaus and inform him about the situation. "Beks, we need to tell Klaus while he's in a more receptive state," she said, and Rebekah agreed to accompany her.

Outside, the two women waited for the rest of their group to arrive. Soon enough, the Whitlock men and the Mikaelson brothers joined them. Jasper turned to Kol and suggested that he should be the one to talk to Klaus, as he couldn't be killed. Kol reluctantly made his way into the forest, where he found Klaus venting his anger by destroying trees and throwing boulders.

"Ah, I see this is the perfect time to deliver some grave news," Kol said, smirking at Klaus. "I know about what happened to Beks. She was raped by our father Klaus said throwing a branch towards his brother Kol. Kol moved so the branch missed smiling at his older brother he spoke But there's more, brother. Peter overheard Edward talking to Alice, and it seems he was not only physically abusive but also repeatedly raped her. We're not sure if it happened all at once or over a period of time."

I really hope we can find Edward soon and make sure he's safe. Once I get my hands on him, he'll regret ever crossing paths with the Mikaelsons.

Oh, and by the way, Bekah managed to convince Bella to eat and now she's resting in her room.

The Whitlocks are working on a game plan to find Edward and bring him to you. They're determined to help.

I wonder what the Volturi have discovered so far.

Well, it seems that they've sent Jane and Alec to bring Alice and her parents to Italy. They're planning to torture them for information about Edward and what he's done to Bella.

Well, I suppose that's some good news. Aro takes pride in his torturing skills, while we Mikaelsons prefer a more direct approach when dealing with those who cross us.

Klaus, everyone is worried about you. It's not a good look for you to be causing concern.

Haha, very funny, little brother. But you're right, tonight I'll come stay at the house that the tribe built for us. We can make a game plan there.

And I think it would be a good idea to invite Sam, the current pack leader, since he's the alpha of the pack.

The Swan and her Mikaelsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें