Final Battle

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[Meanwhile, the gang cleaned themselves up in the water)

Spruce: Well, that was refreshing.

Floyd: Yeah! Glad to get that tar out of my hair.

Poppy: (notices Kelsey, feeling down) Kelsey, are you ok?

Kelsey: Sorry. It's just that I feel really bad for how we treated Cera back there. I know what she said to Littlefoot was wrong, but I didn't expect us to overdo the prank. I wish she would come with us.

Branch: Hey, don't worry about her. If she wants to go on her own, that's her choice. Besides, I feel bad too.

Viva: We all do.

(Suddenly, they heard a heart-chilling roar)

Petrie: Aah! Sharptooth!

(Everyone rushed behind the rock in fear)

Ducky: It's Sharptooth.

[They moment they were all out of sight, Branch and Littlefoot carefully peeked out from behind the massive boulder. Sharptooth was near the top of the large cliff just above them. The sun burned high in the sky behind the small mountain, making his outline nightmarish. Sharptooth sniff the air intently, trying to find their scent)

John Dory: How did he get here?!

Poppy: He must've followed us.

Kelsey: Don't you remember what Cera said? Once Sharptooth chooses his prey, he won't stop until he gets it.

Clay: He must've picked up our scent.

Branch: Then that means... if we keep on going, we might lead him into the Great Valley! Those dinosaur herds won't stand a chance against that monster!

Littlefoot: Well, we're not going to let that happen! Let's get rid of him once it for all.

Viva: But how?

Littlefoot: Look. We'll coax him to the deep end of the pond. He can't swim with scrawny arms. Me, Poppy, you, Branch, his brothers, Kelsey, and Spike will push that rock on his head. He'll fall into the water. Petrie will just whistle when he's at the spot where the water gets dark. Now we need some bait. (looks at Ducky) Hmm.

Ducky: Me? Oh, no. No, no, no, no.

Floyd: Oh, relax, Ducky. All you have to do is lure him out here and we'll take care of the rest.

Kelsey: And once you get out here, you'll be in your element. You're a better swimmer than he is. You'll have the advantage.

Branch: (spots Sharptooth) Looks like he's heading for that cave. If we're going to do this, then we better get ready while we can.

(Inside the cave, Sharptooth enters while Ducky follows undetected. she tiptoed inside to a rock and ducked down. She shivered and crouched as Sharptooth suddenly stopped and growled. She peeked over the rock. He was scanning around the cavern. She had to get his attention and lead him out to the pond. The others were counting on her. Ducky took a deep breath and prepared to do something that would be suicidal)

Ducky: Aah!

(She quickly ducked back behind the rock as Sharptooth jerked up in alert. Shivering, and with her heart pounding hard, Ducky dared to take another look. There was nothing. Sharptooth was gone. She didn't hear him make any steps, but he had somehow snuck away. She listened for him, but the only sound she heard was water dripping down from the ceiling. She looked around the cavern again, but there still was no sign of Sharptooth. He had just...vanished. Cautiously, Ducky stepped back. Sharptooth must've gone further into the cave. But her nerve was at its limit, and she didn't want to follow him. She turned to leave...but then Sharptooth leapt at her from nowhere! Ducky sprinted right underneath him, narrowly avoiding his jaws, and headed toward the exit. Sharptooth was in hot pursit. He dove for the swimmer and attempted to snatch her in his teeth. Ducky jumped to avoid his jaws and grabbed the end of his nose. Sharptooth slid down the slope on his belly and into the pond below. Ducky and Sharptooth crashed into shallows of the pond)

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