Meeting Littlefoot and Cera

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[Years past Poppy, Branch, his brothers, Poppy's sister Viva, and Kelsey wandered around the time of the dinosaurs]

Narrator: Years have passed after Littlefoot had hatched. Time Travelers from the future had just arrived in the land of the dinosaurs. They are Trolls on a mission and their names are Poppy, Branch, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, Viva, and Kelsey. They are on their quest as the dinosaurs were also in search for the Great Valley. And still, they didn't know which way they were going to find it.

Branch: (looking at the map) (groans) This map isn't getting us anywhere! We're not even sure where to find this place that R and B mentioned.

Kelsey: Well, they did send us on a mission.

Poppy: And good thing Lownote Jones send us to the time of the dinosaurs. I bet they're looking for the Great Valley.

Spruce: I just hope Brandy and the kids will be fine without me for a while like last time.

Clay: Don't worry, Bruce. What could happen?

John Dory: Yeah! If we run into any predators, I'll give em' a what for!

(Scene fades to Littlefoot and his family finding food)

Littlefoot: Mother, is this all there is to eat?

Littlefoot's Mother: l'm sorry, my dear. The land has been changing. That is why we must walk as far as we can each day, until we reach the Great Valley. Littlefoot, quickly, come here. Look, up there. A tree star. It is very special. (Picks the tree star and gives it to Littlefoot)

Littlefoot: [giggling] A tree star.

Littlefoot's Mother: It is very special. lt'll help you grow strong. Where we are going? There are so many of these leaves.

Littlefoot: (plays with it) (giggles)

Littlefoot's Mother: Come along.

Littlefoot's Grandparents: (laughs)

Littlefoot's Mother: The Great Valley is filled with green food, more than you could ever eat and more cool water than you could ever drink. It's a wonderful, beautiful place, where we'll live happily with many more of our own kind.

Littlefoot: Gee. When will we get there?

Littlefoot's Mother: The bright circle must pass over many times. We must follow it each day to where it touches the ground.

Littlefoot: Have you ever seen the Great Valley?

Littlefoot's Mother: No.

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