The Rescue

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Closer to the volcanoes, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike continued down their path through the pass itself. Melted fire flowed down the mountains like deadly streams, making the heat oppressive and cruel. Every so often, a small flaming rock would fly down into the river of fire near them. This made them all the more frightened and on edge. The sun was completely blocked out by the smoke and ash, leaving only the harsh glow of the fire as their light)

Ducky: l wish Littlefoot and the Trolls were here with us now.

Petrie: Me, too.

(Cera ignored them and continued to walk on. The swelling in her leg had gone down and she was walking normally again, but that bite mark inflicted by Littlefoot was still visible. Spike, being easily distracted, spotted a small source of vegetation and stopped. He immediately forgot about the current danger and started to yank it out of the ground)

Ducky: Spike. (gasps) Spike, do not stop! We must stay together!

(Meanwhile Littlefoot's depression has grown so acute he can barely move forward. He takes a few steps, stumbles, stops. He scans the vast emptiness and then emits a gut-wrenching bleat of pain and loneliness. As he raises his neck to let out another tortured cry, he freezes. Poppy and the others caught up with him. They hate to see their friend this way)

(They approach to the sad Littlefoot sitting there crying)

Kelsey: Littlefoot?

(Littlefoot surprised to hear the Trolls are still with him, turns to them with a tear drops down from his eye)

Kelsey: We promised that we stick by your side no matter what. Remember?

Viva: So is it okay that we sit here?

Littlefoot: Of course.

Poppy: Littlefoot. Don't you think we should go back and get Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike?

Littlefoot: You're kidding? You saw what happen back there!

John Dory: Come on, Littlefoot. You need to hear this. I know what Cera said was uncalled for, but you shouldn't let it get you.

Clay: And that's not a good excuse to leave her or the others behind.

Littlefoot: We didn't leave them behind! They were the ones who abandoned us!

Branch: [scoffs] Oh, I'm sorry. Is that funny to you? That they actually abandoned us?

Spruce: Branch's right. You're making the same mistake as me and my brothers did when we abandoned him.

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