Sharptooth's Alive and Meeting Spike

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(Cera descended down the gorge. She soon found herself wandering into a cavern. Small peeks of light broke through the cracks in the ceiling, giving just enough light to see around inside the cavern. Pretty soon, the three-horn began walking along a wide ledge jutting out from the wall. It had been minutes since she left Littlefoot and the Trolls. Cera soon came to a dead end where the ledge just dropped off. To her left, she saw something dark and leapt onto it. She looked at her surroundings again. The shafts of light created ominous shadows on the walls, and the pointed rocks hanging from the roof of the cavern glistened like biter teeth. Fear slowly crept in as Cera stepped back. She gasped as she missed her footing and tumbled down the steep platform. She landed on a small pathway at the bottom. She shook her head and looked up in time to see a light cast on the thing she had been walking on. What she saw made her blood run cold, and her heart nearly stopped beating. It was Sharptooth. Cera screamed and ran behind a large boulder. She shivered as she waited for the behemoth to attack. But nothing happened. Gathering up all her courage, Cera peeked out from around the boulder. Sharptooth was lying flat on his back. His tail draped over a pillar of rocks that had fallen during the great earth-shake. His small arms were sticking up in the air like dried tree branches on a fallen log. But more importantly, and to the little three-horn's intense relief, he wasn't moving. His eyes were closed, and there wasn't any sign of breathing. Cera, feeling bold, walked up to the carnivore's body. Still, he did not move. Now being brash, she stuck out her tongue tauntingly. She then repeatedly began ramming into his snout. Overflowing with confidence, she ran back and got ready to charge. She scraped her feet on the floor and tensed her muscles. She then rushed forward and was about to hit him with full force. That's when she got a terrible shock. Sharptooth's right eye snapped open. She comes to a sudden, screeching halt. She can see herself reflected in the eyeball of Sharptooth's now-opened eye. Sharptooth is alive! Fighting hysteria, Cera pivots and goes racing out of that crevice just as fast as her stubby little legs will take her. Just as she got away. Sharptooth slowly got up. He knocked down weak pillars of rock his tail, making the destruction echo throughout the enclosure)

(Back in the forest, Littlefoot heard something coming)

Littlefoot: Shh! Quiet.

Branch: (saw a large Dimetrodon whispers) Oh my goodness, get down!

(At that moment, from the other side of the root, a large Dimetrodon crawled into view. It growled and hissed for a moment as it stopped close to the group's hiding place. All eleven held their breath, waiting to see what the creature would do next. Suddenly, as if disinterested with the area, the Dimetrodon slowly crawled away. John Dory took a peek and see if it's gone and it is)

John Dory: Alright, the coast is clear. Now come on, hurry.

(Little Petrie is overwhelmed from trying to keep up. His wings are useless and his legs are too small to run very fast. He zips up on to Littlefoot's tail and scoots to his head and disappears under the tree star)

Littlefoot: Ow! Hey! Petrie! Get off!

Petrie: You got nice flat head, Flathead.

Littlefoot: (clears his throat) My name is not Flathead. My name is Littlefoot.

Petrie: Littlefoot? Hmm.

Littlefoot: Are you just going to stay up there?

Petrie: Yes.

Littlefoot: Well, you can't. You're tearing my tree star.

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