Sharptooth and the Earthquake

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(Later that night before dawn. A dragonfly enters in the camera and flies quickly over to Littlefoot who is sleeping beside his Mother. He is using his special tree star as a pillow. The Trolls are sleeping in their sleeping bags. We hear the ribbet of a frog. The dragonfly flutters too close to the frog; he snaps up the dragonfly, hops immediately in front of Littlefoot, and begins chewing the insect in his face. The frog then leaps over Littlefoot and disappears out of frame. Intrigued by this odd-looking critter, Littlefoot jumps off to give chase. And the frog passes by the Trolls that are asleep. The ribbet did wake Poppy and Viva up)

Viva: What's that Poppy?

Poppy: It's only a frog, Viva.

Littlefoot: Hey Hopper, come back!

Poppy: Littlefoot?

Branch: (wakes up) You're supposed to be asleep. Since we have a long journey in the morning.

Littlefoot: Sorry, guys. I need to follow that hopper. (runs off.)

Spruce: Now, Littlefoot. You know you shouldn't go off all by yourself. (To the others) Well, we better go out and get him.

Clay: Hey, kid! Wait for us!

(The Trolls manage to follow Littlefoot and the frog by a cluster of rocks that lead into the center of a decaying tree. The frog has landed and curious Littlefoot enters behind him.)

Littlefoot: Hey, hopper, come back! (the frog leaps away) Hey.

(They enter the cluster but suddenly Cera comes between Littlefoot and the Trolls, objecting)

Cera: You again? Go away! That's my hopper.

John Dory: Hey, what's the big idea stoppin' us like that?

Littlefoot: l--l saw him first.

Cera: Well, he's in my pond.

(Cera slid down a small slope into rather mucky water that bubbled. Littlefoot followed the Triceratops down the ledge, and the Trolls followed Littlefoot. While the long-neck slipped and fell on top of the three-horn, the Trolls carefully slid down so she would not fall into the water. As the Triceratops turned to scowl at them)

Poppy: Sorry about that. Uh, Cera is it? As you can see I am Queen Poppy and with me are Branch, his brothers, my sister Viva and our friend Kelsey. And we're friends with Littlefoot and...

Cera: (annoyed) Okay, okay! nobody really cares!

Viva: (angry) Why you--

Clay: (grabs Viva) No, Viva! She's not worth it!

Cera: What's that supposed to mean?

(The conversation got interrupted when Cera saw the reflection of the hopper she was chasing earlier appear in a large bubble. She jumped on it, making it burst right under her feet. Pretty soon, more bubbles with images of frogs in them appeared. Littlefoot decided to join in and pounced on them. Each time a bubble rose up, he and Cera would jump on them, making them pop and splatter muddy droplets)

Littlefoot: Over here.

Cera: Hey, this is fun.

(On the edge of the swamp, a dark shadow falls across the rock as the oblivious youngsters and the Trolls continue to play. The shadow grows bigger, more ominous)

Trolls' Adventures of The Land Before TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz