Dino Beginning

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[The film opens deep underwater with bubbles and small creatures abounding. The camera pans to a lighter area where various forms of prehistoric sea life are seen. This is broken by the head of a Saurolophus coming under water to eat the foliage]

Narrator: Once upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, long before you... before the ape and the elephant as well... before the wolf, the bison, the whale... before the mammoth and the mastodon... in the time of the dinosaurs.

Triceratops: Come on!

Narrator: Now, the dinosaurs were of two kinds: some had flat teeth and ate the leaves of trees, and some had sharp teeth for eating meat, and they preyed upon the leaf-eaters. Then, it happened that the leaves began to die. The mighty beasts who appeared to rule earth were ruled, in truth, by the leaf. Desperate for food, some dinosaur herds stuck out toward the west, searching for their Great Valley--a land still lush and green. It was a journey toward life. It was a march of many dangers. Sharpteeth stalked the herds, waiting to seize any who strayed. The leaf-eaters stopped only to hatch their young.

[An egg hatches into a baby Saurolophus girl named Ducky. Meanwhile, A Triceratops baby girl named Cera hatched]

Narrator: Some of the young seemed born without fear.

[A thunderstorm suddenly breaks and Cera runs under her mother for protection)

[Elsewhere, in the swamp, an Apatosaurus family eats lazily around their nest. There is a stretch of mud full of broken eggs, but one egg is still intact and unhatched. This egg begins to shake with life. When a hungry Ornithomimus lurks in]

Narrator: Yet, even hatching could be dangerous. One herd had only a single baby, their last hope for the future.

(A baby Apatosaurus hatches)

Narrator: And they called him... Littlefoot.

Littlefoot's Mother: Here l am. (Licks him and nuzzles him)

(Littlefoot hides from the strange creatures, who were staring at him)

Littlefoot's Mother: Don't be frightened. Come out.

Narrator: All that remained of his herd was his mother, grandmother, and his grandfather. He knew them by sight, by scent, and by their love. He knew they would be together always.

Littlefoot's Mother: Now, you be careful, my Littlefoot.

(Littlefoot yawns and falls asleep)

Littlefoot's Mother: Beautiful Littlefoot.

End of part 1

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