I'll Still Love You!

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Tw: Motions of abuse and homophobia

Mikey x Genderfuild Reader :D


No ones POV

[Name] ran out her parents house, tears in their eyes. They came out to their parents, thinking that they will accept them, but they yelled, and almost hurt them. [Name] stopped at a alleyway and pulled out their phone and called their partner, Mikey.

Mikey POV

I sat in my room, drawing [Name] and humming to myself. After a couple of minutes, my phone rang. I look at the name, it was labeled as "🧡[Name]🧡" I smile and answer. "Hi hun! What's up? Are you okay?" I say with a big smile.

[Name]: "Hey Mikey..."

They sound sad... "Is something wrong? You don't sound happy."

[Name]: "Is it okay if I come over..."

I raise a non existent brow. "Yeah! Only if you tell me what's wrong when you get here."

No ones POV

"Y-Yeah...okay." [Name] answers and hangs up. They made their way to the sewers. 

~Timeskip cuz idk what to put here~

Mikey's POV

I waited a little bit, after some time, [Name] knocked on my door. "[Name]?" I ask as I walked to the door. "Y-Yeah..." They answered. I open the door and felt my heart shatter at the sight of them. Their eyes were puffy, they were bright red, and they were shivering. "Oh mi gosh! What happened!?" I say with fear and confusion in my voice. I take their hands and walked deeper into my room. I set them down and I sit as well. "[Name]? What happened?" [Name] opened their mouth and explained. "I-I..." They start to cry. I gasp and held their face, wiping their tears. "Hey. its okay... I won't get mad. I promise." [Name] sniffles and looks up at me. "I told them..." They mumbled. I felt tears form in my own eyes. I sigh. "If I was completely honest..." [Name] looks up. "Their assholes!" I say a bit loud. [Name] didn't know what to say, they were stunted. I smile and kissed their forehead. "There..." There was a long but comforting silence between us. "You can stay here as long as you need. Okay?" I finally spoke and rubbed their shoulder. [Name] nods and hugs me. They nuzzle in my neck. I giggle and kiss their cheek. "I love you..." [Name] whispered. My smile got bigger. "I love you too..."

(OMG! AHHHH! I LOVE THIS!!! Also 384 Words! Hoped you liked it :D)

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