luffy this is not you're fault

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2 hours later
Luffy p.o.v
Me and zoro were walking behind chopper on our way to the ship. "I'm going to ask y/n to move in my room" I said to zoro he smiled at me "to be fair I thought she already moved in" zoro said. I opened my mouth but closed it because we heard chopper screaming.

Me and zoro ran to the ship fast as possible once we got to the ship we jump on ship. I saw pool of blood in the middle of the deck. "What the hell happened here" zoro asked wait where's y/n "where's y/n at?" I asked

"Look luffy" chopper said he pointed at trail of blood going off the ship. I ran to  edge of the ship and I saw a bloody water oh god no "zoro I think she's in the sea" I said loudly enough.

Zoro came running he looked down "okay I'm going in the water to look for her" zoro said taking off his shoes then he jumped in the water.

This is my fault I should have stayed on the ship with her and this wouldn't have happened. "Luffy she's going to be fine" chopper said I looked over at him I gave him small smile "chopper go call the others and tell them to get back here quickly" I said chopper nodded and walked off where the transponder snail was at.

A few minutes later chopper came back "I know where the fight started" chopper said I got confused I got up from the floor and walked where chopper is standing. He pointed behind him I look where he was pointing at and I saw a destroyed kitchen. "I need to know what happened here" I said to chopper who just nodded.

Not long after that nami and robin made it on the  ship "what happened luffy" nami asked "and where's y/n" robin asked "we don't know we got here the ship was like this zoro is searching in the water for y/n right now" chopper explained. Nami and robin looked worried.

Zoro p.o.v
I was swimming next to the bloody trail the further the bloody trail goes the more I worried about y/n and how  luffy is. I noticed that the bloody trail is disappearing I started swimming faster. A few minutes later I saw y/n sinking further down faster and faster.

I grabbed her body and put her over my shoulder and started swimming towards the ship I hope y/n isn't to badly hurt.

Luffy p.o.v
Zoro came back with y/n. He put
y/n down the ground I ran towards her she looked badly hurt. "She has a tear in her head I need stitches" chopper said "luffy take her to my office" chopper said I picked her up and started walking towards choppers doctor office.

I put her down once I got inside. Chopper quickly grabbed the stitches and started sowing her head closed.
"Chopper please tell me is she going to be okay?" I asked "I don't know yet but you need to go outside so I can concentrate" chopper said I walked back out and everyone was staring at me.

I had tears in my eyes and I let them fall I started crying "WHY DO THE PEOPLE I LOVE ARE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME" I screamed out I looked up at everyone who looked shocked at my outburst.

I went to my room making sure I slammed my door I sat on my bed letting my tears roll down my face

Why do people I love gets taken away from me. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let anyone I love die and there's a possibility that I might lose y/n kills me inside. I heard a knock on my door then it opened

Usopp came in "luffy I need you to know what happened to y/n isn't your fault" usopp said I sniffed "it's my fault because she wouldn't be on verge of death if I was there" I said wiping away my tears on my face. "I don't want to loose y/n the way I lost ace" I said

Usopp looked heartbroken when I said that. "y/n is a fighter and I know that y/n is going get better because chopper is a great doctor and he's not going to let y/n die. Luffy this is not your fault y/n wouldn't want you to blame yourself" usopp said

I nodded at him "thanks usopp I needed that" I said giving him a hug.
The door opened revealing nami
"Chopper is back and he's ready to tell us what's wrong with y/n" nami said

I ran out my room leaving usopp and nami in my room "chopper is she going to okay?" I asked. Chopper sighed loudly "okay first off y/n is badly injured whoever hurt y/n was trying to kill her" chopper said
I clenched my jaw very pissed that someone was trying to kill her.

"What kinda injuries are we talking about?" Sanji asked. I looked over at chopper who looked sad. "Both of her jaws are broken both of  her wrists are broken her right shoulder is broken and her left arm is completely broken and finally her right foot is broken" chopper said

Everyone went completely silent after what chopper said what's wrong with y/n. "What are we going to do" I asked
"I called law and told him y/n injuries he's coming over here in his submarine so he could do the surgery on y/n broken bones" chopper said

I shooked my head in disbelief. "How long will we have to wait on law?" Nami asked "he said he would be here three to four hours" chopper said

Law get your ass over here I can't loose y/n I just can't I don't want do this all over again. "Chopper can I see her before law gets here?" I asked him
Chopper nodded and with that I ran towards chopper office and opened it and  I saw y/n with badges on her head. I sat next to her grabbing her hand. "I wont allow you to die not on my watch" I said to a passed out y/n

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