first date

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( two days later) 
Luffy p.o.v
"Luffy do you wanna go to beach with me?" y/n asked with pleading eyes. I smiled down at her y/n loves going to the beach it makes her feel at peace. "Sure it be like our first date" I said side hugging her y/n raised eye brow at me "honestly everytime we hang out together on different islands I take it as dates and I thought you did to" y/n said

"No I took it as hang outs I honestly wanted to ask you before you got injured but it's fine I'm asking you now" I said rubbing her hair smiling at her she smiled back at me then we got ready to go.

After thirty minutes me and y/n were ready to head off to the beach. "Zoro we are off" y/n said across the deck loosely holding my hand. Zoro opened his eyes to look at us " luffy don't be to scandalous out in public with y/n" zoro teased making y/n beat red making me chuckled at her we started walking towards the beach.

After my surprise in the crows nest everyone teased us once they saw the bruise on y/n neck it was has big enough to be a golf ball and second they had no idea I could do that and know it.

"Luffy could  you put the beach towels on the ground" y/n asked I nodded and did as I told while she pulled out all the stuff we brought along on ground. "I'm going go swimming luffy come swimming with me" y/n asked me we were done doing we were doing.  "Sure" I said smiling at her.

She screamed in excitement jumping up and down while clapping. y/n took off her flowy dress leaving her in a black bikini. My jaw dropped looking at her I  quickly closed it y/n grabbed the floaties that we brought. y/n gave me a pair and walked off I slowly walked behind and we started swimming.

"Thank you for coming in the ocean with me" y/n said floating in the water.  "No problem it's fun doing things with you" I said sitting in water while moving my hands around.
After an hour we decided to get out of the water and get dryed off. "That was fun" I said sitting on the beach towel drying off with another y/n nodded drying off.

I was laying down watching y/n building sandcastles I can tell she was enjoying herself building castle's is one of the biggest reasons why she loves going to the beach. I yawned and felt my eyes get sleepy.

Your p.o.v
"Luffy we can go back to the ship now its getting kinda dark" I said standing up getting my bucket and turned around and saw a past out luffy starring at me

I smirked at myself I should definitely wake him up. I walked to the ocean and filled up my bucket with water I walked to luffy I pulled his hat off his head he would be mad at me if I got that ruin. I then dumped my bucket of water all over luffy body.

He immediately woke up "COLD ITS COLD" luffy screamed getting up off the towel. I started crying laughing at him after a few seconds he looked at me "you are evil to me" luffy said with pout "I love you too" I said kissing him on the cheek. "We have to go to the ship its getting late" I said giving him his hat back. He grabbed it and put it on.

We headed our way towards the ship "luffy today was very fun thank you for today" I said. Luffy smiled at me "no problem I had fun also" luffy said

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