telling luffy the truth

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Arthur p.o.v
Y/N is at crows nest making sure if there's anything bad coming there way. I wonder what island where going to now y/n thought bored out of her mind.

Luffy was headed towards y/n he didn't get much of sleep last night because he was thinking about how to tell y/n what he feels and hoping she feels same way as him

Luffy opened the crows nest and saw a bored y/n sitting looking out. Y/N noticed luffy she smiled up at him
"Hey captain need anything?" Y/N asked still looking at window

Luffy sat next to y/n feeling nervous how to tell her how he feels. "I'm just wondering if we could hang out in the next island like we did the last one" luffy said excitedly hoping to spend more time with y/n.

"Yeah sure luffy. Do you know what island where going to next?" Y/N said

Luffy smiled when y/n asked. "Where going back to your island" luffy said excitedly. y/n froze in her spot when she heard that. She felt scared and worried. She was having flashbacks of john and everything he's done to her.

"ISLAND AHEAD" nami yelled. y/n quickly looked in the window and saw the place where she escaped from. "Yeah I hope you get to show me shops and restaurants that you used to go to" luffy said. y/n got up out her seat and quickly ran towards the girls room.

Your p.o.v
I slide down the girls door with tears slowly going down my face. I can't believe they took be back home I know they mean well but this is too much. I don't wanna be here I don't want to see john.

A sob escaped my lips now my body was trembling with fear. No this can't be happening. My fingernails dug into my arms. I heard a knock behind me.

"Are you alright y/n you ran pretty quickly I wanna know if you are okay" luffy asked. Oh luffy I got up from my seat and walked towards the bed and started crying in my pillow away from the door ignoring luffy question.

My cries gotten louder feeling scared for my crew and myself. I heard the door opened and close. "y/n it's me what's wrong everyone is waiting on you especially luffy" nami asked.

"na-mi i-i  do-nt  wa-nt to he-re" I sobbed out nami rubbed my back
"Somet-hing happ-ened to me here th-at was ba-d" I cried out. "Do you wanna tell me what it is" nami asked

I shook my head no i squeezed my eyes shut hoping for the flashback of being here goes away. "G-et lu-ffy" I cried. I heard the door opened and close again.

Luffy p.o.v
I saw nami walking out of the girls room. I quickly walked up to her
"What's wrong with y/n" I asked
Nami looked sad and worried.

"She wouldn't tell me luffy. Luffy she was crying and she wants to tell you what's wrong" nami said I felt my heart going to my stomach. I nodded at nami I walked towards the girls room. I opened the door and heard loud crying. I walked little further in the girls and saw y/n crying with her body trembling.

I ran up to her "y/n what's wrong" I asked sitting down on the floor. Y/N looked at me with her eyes full of tears. She put her arms up in way of telling me to pick her up. I stretched out arms a little and pulled her towards my lap.

After few minutes of me hugging y/n while she cried. She finally calmed down enough she looked up at me with sad eyes. "Luffy I never told you my past and I'm sorry because I know you would never be around this island if I did" y/n said. I was confused what y/n was saying. "Luffy I'm going to tell you about my past so please listen" y/n said I nodded telling her to go on

y/n sighed loudly "okay when I was seven I found a devil fruit while I was playing but I didn't know what it was so being a curious child I picked it up and went go tell my mom and when I got there mom was washing dishes. I was screaming at my mom saying I found a weird looking fruit she didn't like the devil fruit because she thought it was devil power. She wacked me over my head with her dish then yelled I'm not welcome here and to get out and that was last time I saw my mom" y/n explain to me

My blood was boiling. "I was living outside for six years until I met this guy his name was john baker" y/n said with a few tears coming down her face I quickly wiped away her tears

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I said she shook her head no at me "he took me in it was great at first but after six months he um sexually assaulted me" y/n said

"HE DID WHAT ILL KILL HIM WHERE IS HE" I said screaming but I interrupted by y/n covered my mouth
"Please luffy let me finish" y/n said with pleading eyes. I took a deep breath in and out.

"Okay It's been three years and I found out I was pregnant with his child but I didn't get to keep my baby because I had a miscarriage and  a year later he stopped sexually assaulting but he just started to hit me and after another year I found you and your crew and decided to escape" y/n said

I was furious can't believe that happened to her for all those years
y/n fell asleep in my lap I picked her up and walked out everyone looked at me but I ignored there stares and walked into my room. I placed y/n gently on my bed. Don't worry y/n because once I'm done with him you don't have worry about anything else like that.

"I'm going to beat his ass for what he did to you y/n" I whispered underneath my breath

Falling For You (Luffy x Reader)  (1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora