Chapter 4: Hope: Breach

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As Breach breathed heavily, his stomach still queasy and hurting after being punched. His eyes were wide as he had realized how scary someone can be. He would stay quiet for hours until he heard Jester and Rain leave the room. Raising his head slowly as he breathes, looking at Jester as he realized something. All of them had burns on their left side from the explosion. But his burns were on the right. But once he entered the room, it was all a blur. From bing prepped for surgery to laying down onto the table, he was pretty sure he had to be stunned the majority of the time. That's probably why he had next to no memories of what was happening. As he awoke, he remembered small memories. Most of them recent as he blinked awake. Though he felt unchanged physically, his mind was firing at a million miles an hour. He would sit on the surgery table as his ears rang. Not hearing anything as the other 3 idly talked about their plans. He'd stand up and walk out as the others tried to keep him there. But he would make it out of the Venator as he pointed to a nearby town. And as everyone looked at it, it was a Troop Transport. Though it looked beaten to hell and was missing both wings, it was fixable. Eventually after a few seconds, Breach would blink back into the world while he speaks to the others.

"Wh-what happened? My head hurts like a Bitch." Breach saw that everyone was staring at him amazed as Rain looked around and told Crain to go find parts. Rain would begin to speak, his mouth opening and closing slowly while he spoke.
"You-You showed us this. You gave us a way off this Planet. Do you not remember?" Rain sounded genuinely concerned. Even while Rain spoke, he was still cautious and Untrusting. But still concerned. Rain would nod to Jester as he ran off to somewhere.
"Rain, I hardly remember anything from the past few days. I remember bits and pieces. But still, I only remember today and yesterday clearly." Breach was genuinely confused as he looked at the LAAT, his whole body shaking as thoughts practically burn through his head.
"So, you don't know what you did? To Jester?" Rain began to take off his helmet as he looked at Breach. His expression, full of sorrow and pain. Breach began to worry about what he did while Breach began to speak again.
"No, no I don't remember. Is Jester okay?" Breach would ask, his mind trying to grasp at memories that weren't there. His helmet was pulled off by Rain as Breach raised his hands to his head. His breathing slowly turning pained and ragged before Rain slapped him across the face. Though he would get a glimpse of Rain's face turning hardened and cold as he focused on Breach.
"Listen, no self-pity right now. We have a job to do. You shot Jester. Plain and Simple. That's what happened, move on. Now go help Jester. And apologize to him." Breach would breath shakily once, before putting on his helmet and walking away. Although, as he walked away, he heard a small but labored breath. Realizing that Rain was holding himself together by the skin of his teeth while also holding everything together.

As he walked over to Jester, a box would slide out of the Crashed Tribunal. Jester jumping on top of it to break his fall as he pulls it up and cracks it open. Showing a crate full of Rations.
"Don't just stand there, come on." Jester would say as Breach walked over and began to push the Crate over to the Transport. Everyone in the group seemed to consider this their camp until they can leave. Eventually when they got the crate over, everyone took a ration. They were all hungry after the last few days. Breach was starving as he inhaled at least 4 Rations. Before he got up and set his backpack now.
"For now, we can use this to put our trash in. Until we find something else." Everyone nodded thankfully but no one said a word, they all put their trash there as Jester walked over to look at him. He didn't know why until he was suddenly pulled close. Feeling Jester squeeze him tightly as he could feel tears well up in his own eyes. Before hugging Jester back as he realized that maybe, just maybe, there was some chance of hope in this dark time.

Later into the day, he and Jester were looking through the Tribunal as they found the Armory and Crates full of Ammo Packs. They would both grab as many as possible and attach them to their belts. Jester went as far as to take a Grenade Bandolier and filled it with Ammo Packs. They would both nod after they finished. Pushing it down the Tribunal as they also grabbed a few rifles and Carbines, going down as Crain was nowhere to be seen. But Rain would walk over, and begin to equip himself better. But he and Jester had already left, going to get more resources for the squad.

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