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Izuku P.O.V

Well it's been ten months since I died and now the U.A entrance exam are here and I'm here to prove something to these 'heroes'.

Luckily with my new quirk biokinses, with it I got rid of my freckles, my hair is now white but it's the same shape, my eyes are red.

With the modifications my hight grew 6ft 4 to be precise, I'm nolonger seen as skinny like I tried to show in middle school but you can see my toned muscles quiet easily.

But back to U.A all I can say is I can't believe that I actually wanted to go to school here. All I see are fakes showing off their quirks. As I started walking in to school I see a girl with long blond and green hair trip, out of instinct I catch her and then I realized that this was Izumi. How could I not recognize her is it because of her long hair?

3rd P.O.V

"Thanks I was so nervous that I didn't pay attention where I was going I'm Izumi Yagi what's your name?"

'OH MY GOD He's so cute I want him!!' Izumi thought

"I'm Izuku Midoriya"

'Please buy it! BELIEVE IT!!!!' Izuku thought

"Izuku huh... that was my brothers name sadly he committed suicide I really miss him..." Izumi said with tears falling from her eyes.

'I know those are fake tears... right?.. Who cares she's nothing but trouble for me...'

"I just miss him so much! Please could you hold me for a minute" Izumi said while putting her face in his chest letting all her tears out.

'His chest is so strong. What is he waiting for? You got the most beautiful girl in the world crying in your chest... I have another idea!'

Izuku puts a hand on her shoulder "don't cry... he wouldn't want you to cry." He said with a small smile but Izumi had other plans.

Izumi put her hand in Izuku's pants who can't believe that she did that!

"Wow you're so big! Mind giving a sad girl a ride with your hung horse" she said while winking.

"Uhhh" Izuku didn't now what he should say now he still couldn't believe that his former sister put her fucking hand in his pants and touched his dick!


"Oh this is-"before Izumi could finish Izuku interrupted her.

"Excuse me but I have to go! The exams starts soon!" Izuku screamed as he quickly run in to the school with only one thought in his mind.

'So my sister didn't change...she's still a selfish brat!'

~ Time Skipe to the test ~

Izuku P.O.V

Right now we are infront of a giant gate. As I look around I see a bunch of people who shoe of their quirks.

'Wow some really have some usefull quirks I have to write them later down' I thought as I saw a purple haired girl with long earlobes getting uncomfortable by a bluehead guy. I felt like I had to do something. As I go to them a another bluehead but with glasses stopped me.

"What do you think you're going?" He said as his head moved like a...robot?

"I was-" before I got to finish he interrupted me.

"You were going to disturb those two boys before the exams starts, you should be ashamed of yourself, you white haired punk shouldn't be allowed to take the exam you shouldn't be allowed to take the exam you should leave now!" He said while chopping his arms up and down.

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