one step further

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Izuku Shigaraki P.O.V

A month have past since I started training with sensei. I can turn off Decay. My personality has changed a bit I'm less nervous and more confident. Today sensei is taking me quirk hunting, this will be the first time I take a quirk from a person. Right now it's past midnight me and sensei are on a roof looking for crime.

3rd P.O.V

"Izuku do you see something?" AFO asked

"No-!" Izuku suddenly got interrupted by a woman screaming for help

"Let's go" AFO shouted

"Please I already gave you all my money just leave me alone!" The woman screamed clearly scared

"Yes you gave us your money but we can't help it you are so beautiful that we wanna have some fun right bro?" One of the two thugs stated

"I have to say you have the finest peace of ass I've ever seen" the second thug said as he started to pull down his pants.

"Stop this right now!!!" Izuku jumped into action with a serious face.

"Fuck off kid or your gonna get hurt" the thug warned Izuku

"You know my whole day was stressful so I kinda need a punching bag so little guy would you be my hero and let me punch you?!" The second thug said as he started running at him.

But before he could punch Izuku in the face Izuku catches his hand and used Decay to turn his hand to dust.

"I'm a lot of things a hero is not one of them" Izuku said in a deadpanned voice.


He screamed as he threw a burst of black flames at him

"Well you're right about One thing"

Izuku dodged the attack and tackled him to the ground.

"You have such a powerful and cool quirk and it's wasted on a worthless thug like you, LET'S CHANGE THAT!"

Izuku grabbed the thugs head and uses All For One to take his quirk.

Izuku P.O.V

As I was taking this scumbags quirk I was filled with something I'd always feel like I was missing.

I felt more full but still so empty.

The feeling of this power over-flooding my system. The feeling of vigour overtaking my body. The sense of taking the one thing I had always dreamt of obtaining-the one thing I had always aspired to have-was more satisfying then imaginable.

It felt invigorating.

3rd P.O.V

"What did you do to him!" The first thug demanded with black electricity around his hands.

"I took his quirk like how I'm gonna take yours"

As Izuku said this he had a look of pure bliss and insanity.

"As if I'd let you freak!"

The thug shoots black bolts of electricity from his hands.

"A lightning quirk, this one will be a fine addition to my collection!"

Izuku used the black flames to boost him and to body check the thug to ground and took his quirk afterwards

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Izuku asked the fox women full of concern that they did something.

"No, they didn't do anything just took my money which you can have" the woman said a bit scared.

Izuku grabbed the purse from the still knocked out former flame thug.

"No thank you. It's your money and you should keep it oh! And before you go please don't tell anybody what happened, cause if you do..." Izuku said with a deadly glare at the unconscious thugs on the ground.

"You know what will happen" Izuku said with a innocent smile

"Oh- of course not THANK YOU SO MUCH!" The Woman screamed as she ran away.

"So how does this lightning quirk work?" Izuku questioned. But he didn't notice that one of the thugs regained conscious and pulled a gun out.

"WHO NEEDS A DAMN QUIRK IF YOU CAN HAVE A GUN!!" The thug screamed as he pulls the trigger shooting Izuku in the shoulder.

"AAAHH FUCK! You'll pay for this!" Izuku screamed full of pain and accidently blasts black electricity from his entire body shocking both thugs.

"How do I stop this"

Izuku tried to stop the lightning which worked but the thugs died.

The smell of burned flesh and shit was extremely strong.

"Crap, I didn't want to kill them what am I gonna do with the bodies? And this smell." Izuku thought trying not to puke until a idea came to mind.

Izuku uses Decay on the bodies and then uses black flames to get rid of the smell.

Meanwhile on the roof

AFO: seems he's able to use Decay better then Tenko could. He's subconsciously keeping every quirk in check. You'll be a great threat to this world Izuku Shigaraki.

~ few days later ~

Izuku P.O.V

A Few days have passed since my first quirk hunt. Sensei gave a Contaminant immunity quirk because kurogiri was out of everything but alcohol since Noone but a guy named Giran, so I drink.

"Allright I thought about it!" Izuku said sitting down his margarita..

"What did you think about young master?" Kurogiri asked cleaning a glass.

"I'll participate in U.A Entrance Exam, not to join no... just to prove that I got stronger!"

I hope this works, I don't really want to join but it was still my dream school I'd like to at least have my past have that right.

"I think that's a wonderful idea! You'll need to change your look luckily I have a quirk for that. And Izuku the doctor wants to see you.

Kurogiri opened a Warp gate as I walked in I'm met with Garaki.

"What do you need me for?" I asked

Garaki usually calls me so I can study but I can tell this was different.

"I'd like to modify you" Garaki said blankly

Modify...what's he talking about?

"Just because you have all for one doesn't mean you're immune to the risk of having multiple quirks" Garaki said taping a chair for me to sit.

"These modifications will allow you to use multiple quirks without a wory, your body will become stronger, your mind nearly unmatched" Garaki stated

"How long will this take?" I asked as I took my shirt off

"Two months but it's extremely painful" Garaki said with a little worried.

"I'll right let's begin" I told Garaki

With this I'm one step closer

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