Drunken Confessions of Jealous Hearts - Rohirat

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Virat, known for his reserved nature, and Rohit, the outgoing one, shared a hotel room like any other evening on the tours, to be more specific, Rohit was enjoying a refreshing hot shower in the washroom, while Virat was sitting or we could say relaxing on the black couch in the hotel room, with his feets resting on the brown coffee table. The sound of the running water filled the room, and Virat was busy scrolling his mobile until his scrolling session was interrupted by the ringing of Rohit's mobile displaying 'Sweetheart' as the caller ID. A sudden pang of jealousy surged through Virat, as he exchanged a quick glance with the bathroom door, behind which Rohit was still oblivious to the unfolding drama and was busy showering. Virat pressed the 'Answer' button and brought the mobile to his ear, hesitated momentarily before stating, 

"Um, Hi. Rohit is currently busy." 

However, the caller, a lady, responded with a playful tone, "Oh, come on. My chubs can't be too busy for me."

Virat felt something stir inside him. He could feel his heart racing at the playful nickname the woman on the phone used for Rohit. His mind whirled with a mixture of emotions - jealousy, curiosity, and surprise. As he listened to the woman's light laughter through the phone, a part of him felt like an outsider in his own skin, he found himself caught in the middle of a conversation that was not meant for him. But a question was roaming in his mind, Who was this lady and why is she referring to Rohit so intimately? Clearing his throat, with an uneasy smile, he managed to reply, "Well, he's in the shower right now. Can I take a message for him?" 

His voice sounded steadier than he felt inside. The woman chuckled, on the other end, and replied with a tease, "Oh, you must be Virat. Well, tell him, that his 'Angry Bird' called. I'm sure he'll come running out." 

Virat's fingers tightened around the phone. 'Angry Bird'- the name sent a sharp pang through his chest. Virat felt a jolt of surprise and jealousy at the nickname and its underlying familiarity. As Rohit's close friend, he was unaware of any 'Angry Bird' in his life. His mind raced with possibilities, but before he could inquire further, the call disconnected abruptly. Virat stood there, holding Rohit's phone, his mind racing. The term 'Angry Bird' echoed in his head, it struck a chord, igniting a surge of emotions he hadn't anticipated. The bathroom door creaked open, and Rohit emerged, dressed in casual wear. He flashed a bright smile at Virat, oblivious to the phone call and Virat's inner turmoil, he noticed the thoughtful expression on Virat's face. 

"Hey, what's up? Everything alright, Vi?" Rohit asked casually, reaching for his phone which was in Virat's hand while Rohit simultaneously dried his wet hair with the towel. 

The moment Virat turned towards him, his gaze lingered on Rohit. And in that moment, he found himself captivated by the sight before him. The grey t-shirt clung to his frame, emphasizing the toned muscles beneath, while the black shorts showcased his well-defined legs, and the white towel draped casually over his shoulder added an intriguing touch. Virat found himself lost in the moment, his eyes tracing the contours of Rohit's face as he dried his wet hair with the towel. A soft smile played on Rohit's lips, and his eyes sparkled with a carefree joy that seemed to light up the room. In that instant, Virat couldn't help but be struck by the undeniable combination of hotness and cuteness that Rohit effortlessly was giving off. As Rohit took the mobile from Virat's hand, his fingers briefly touched Virat's palm as he reached for the phone. The touch sent a shiver down Virat's spine. Their eyes locked for a moment, and Virat could see a flicker of something unspoken pass between them. Rohit's hand momentarily froze, his gaze meeting Virat's with a depth that hadn't been there before, there was a brief pause between them. Virat's heartbeat quickened, and he tore his eyes away, a faint blush coloring his cheeks, attempting to appear nonchalant despite the storm of questions brewing inside, he composed himself before responding, "Yeah, everything's fine. Just someone asking for you. Called you 'Chubs' and mentioned something about being your 'Angry Bird'.

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