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Day of jisoo's birth

"Queen it's a girl"

"Show me her" I quickly looked at my newborn baby. She is beautiful. I can't take my eyes off her. Just then my husband walk into room.
He saw our baby girl and suddenly I saw his smile but then he remembered something and his smile faded.

"Is something wrong? "

"We got to that today evil got new son. He can be dangerous for us. "

I knew what does that mean. If evils will have more sons we are going to loose our world. They are really something...
Then he looked at our girl. I gave her to him and again saw his bright smil.

"We are going to protect you....Jisoo" He murmured in her ear.

One year later.

I was feeding my chu when I felt pain in stomach I knew it's time to give birth to our new baby..

After two hours I saw her just then to my hospital room run babysitter for jisoo.
"Jisoo got her power" I widened my eyes.
Fairies got her powers as a 5 years old children. It's impossible.

"Give me her" I ordered
"Yes Queen"
When she returned I saw chu and her hands lighting.
"She has light power? "
My ability is to get to know what first power is going to get fairy. After jisoo's birth I saw her power as wind ability. But   now I see it's light.

"No queen her first was air. But now her hands are lightning.... I don't know what's happening. "
I widened my eyes it's dangerous for baby to get that quickly their first ability.

We took our babies to specialist
"King, Queen with Jennie is everything okay. But Jisoo... it's first time when fairy got her abilities that fast. She doesn't even know what's happening. It's very dangerous for her. You should keep her away from World. In some quiet place when no one will find her."

"Should we get Jennie with us? "

" I think you misunderstood what I am saying. Jisoo will go there alone. She is going to new world. She will be trained by the most powerful creature of lightness"

"Who are you talking about what creature what new world? "

" It's  Katsuki you knew her as mythical creature who can change her texture. She can be dragon, fairy, whatever she wants to be "

"Are you saying Katsuki is real? And she will be training Jisoo? "

" King... Katsuki it real. And yes you know fairytale about marked fairy. I'm sure it's Jisoo in tale marked fairy will be trained by Katsuki till her 18.after that she will return to you. Don't worry she will get to know about you and Jennie from Katsuki so she will be waiting for that moment. "

"When will we send her to Katsuki? "
I asked

"Everything now depends on Katsuki"
Just then he walked away. I started crying. My baby... what will happen to her?

Two months later

I was waiting for Jisoo today she said her first word.

"MOMMY" I heard her and suddenly run to her.

"What happened baby? "

She started pointing at something
"Mommy mommy. "

It's time. It's so hard to let her go.
"Katsuki... please take care of my baby"

Just then I saw her. She looked like dragon. Then she nodded her head towards me and took Jisoo on her back. She came near me and allowed me to kissed Jisoos forehead for last time. Then they faded with air.
I started crying.

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