Baela banged on Aegon's doors and then swung them open, he was in his bed with wine on his side, naked and covered with sheets, looks like he had company some moments before Baela decided to disturb his peace.

"Dress yourself and walk with me..." Baela said sternly.

Aegon leaned on his elbow and the corner of his lip curled up into a small smirk, "Have you finally realized you picked the wrong cousin?..."

"Get dressed... And walk...." Baela repeated more sternly and shut the door, standing in the hall waiting for Aegon outside of his chambers she clenched her fist in frustration. He was the man who ruined her Thereya.

Aegon exited his chambers. Baela was glaring at him, "What..." Aegon said.

Baela without a word started walking away, with a roll of his eyes and a loud sigh Aegon followed her.

Baela guided Aegon through the lush gardens, the scent of blooming flowers lingering in the air. As they reached a secluded spot, she turned to him, her eyes piercing.

"Speak, Aegon," Baela commanded, her tone leaving no room for evasion.

Aegon furrowed his brow, confusion evident on his face. "Speak about what?"

Baela narrowed her eyes, her patience waning. "Don't play games, Aegon. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I want the truth!"

Aegon shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. "I don't know what you mean."

Baela took a step closer, her demeanor unwavering. "You can't hide it any longer. A birdie told me everything. Now, admit it."

Aegon's eyes widened in surprise, realizing he was trapped. "So what if... And besides it wasn't as simple as you think it is."

Baela raised an eyebrow, a mocking and angry smirk playing on her lips. "Save the excuses, Aegon. I want the truth, no matter how painful it is! Tell me now!"

The tension in the garden grew palpable as Aegon hesitated. Baela's gaze remained unyielding, pushing him to confront his actions.

Aegon swallowed hard, the weight of Baela's stare bearing down on him. He knew there was no escaping this moment, no matter how much he wished otherwise.

"I... I did," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Baela's expression softened slightly, a mixture of hurt and disappointment flickering across her features. "I see," she replied, her voice tinged with betrayal and bitterness.

Aegon took a hesitant step forward, reaching out to touch her arm. "You think I didn't feel... Remorseful or rather... Sorry for what I did to her..."

Baela pulled away, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Sorry doesn't change what happened, Aegon. You made your choice, and now we must both live with the consequences."

"We?" Aegon scoffed.

"You sound as if you are defending your lover rather than a beloved sister... Is that how it is Baela? I guess I now can realize why you never gave in to me. You like girl, don't you?" Aegon knew that wasn't the case, but if anyone thought so Baela could lose her head, and he just knew how to get under her skin and taunt her.

"Blasphemy!" Baela shouted.

"Hot..." Aegon returned with a smirk as he toyed with her necklace.

Baela felt her blood boiling, she slapped his hand away. "Hold your tongue! Or I will take it out and feed you to my dragon! You spoiled!-"

"Let's make a deal now, shall we? If you value your little sweet battery mouth as much as I value my tongue. You will keep it shut... Or you tell everyone I bedded Thereya... And I tell everyone about your... Rather... Weird choices of attraction." Aegon said nonchalantly almost as he was mocking her.

"I do not like women... I love my sister. If I'll lose my tongue for protecting her from harm! From you! So be it!" Baela shouted not knowing how to defend herself anymore.

Aegon stared at her before laughing and grabbing a hold of her shoulders as he guided her back into the castle, "Oh relax you pretty thing! I'm only messing with you! I know you have been drooling over Jace now for quite a few years!"

Baela's face softened slightly, he was right, she did have feelings for Jace, she always did, but then why would he falsely accuse her?

"But.... Oh but... There is always but... You see, Daemon gave up on trying to distinguish Thereya... Now he's rather focused on shaping her into something more as he claims... This means she will marry Jacaerys and she will be the Queen one day when my sister's days are over. Now that that is something Daemon wants. To see the crown on his daughter's head..." Aegon held her shoulders firmly as they walked, speaking with a dramatic tone as if this was all just a joke to him.

"But... Thereya is not his only daughter, is she?... Look into my eyes... And tell me Baela..." Aegon whispered as he turned her around to look her in the eyes.

"Have you never imagined yourself on the iron throne?" He whispered. Baela's thoughts wandered off, and she did. What little girl didn't imagine herself as the Queen?"

Aegon sighed as he let go of her shoulders "Baela... You can hate me all you want but you want Jace, you want the crown... And I... I want Thereya..."

"You will lie to her... You will deceive her... You will harm her... You will kill her!" Baela said angrily.

"Don't you think I would kill her when she was beneath me if I wanted to... I didn't cause her pain... I didn't even leave a bruise..." Aegon said with an annoyed tone.

"There is so much more to pain than what we see on the outside..." Baela said to her chin.

"Stop it already! What have I ever done but play your games!?" Aegon grabbed a hold of her wrist, but then quickly let go as well.

"Where is Thereya anyway?..." He said as he dusted off his attire.

Baela stared at him with disgust, "Daemon took her somewhere... Away from the Keep... I do not know..."

"That doesn't concern you?" He said annoyingly.

"Does it concern you?" she raised her eyebrows slightly.

He came close to her face, "Not at all..."

Then he looked down at her before he composed himself and chuckled, "Alright then! All is settled I get what I want you get what you want with a little bit of sneaky snakes and the help of Gods! Do we have a deal, dear?" He reached his hand out.

Baela stared at his hand for quite some time, then she spit into her palm and clasped Aegon's hand, "Deal..."

She smirked mockingly and walked past Aegon back into her chambers. Aegon had a look of ick on his face as he cleaned his hand into his attire.

Baela's heart raced as she was walking back into her chambers. Why did it feel so wrong to do the right thing? It was as if she just made a deal with the devil. Or rather it was just Aegon... Same thing at this point.

She came into her chambers and slammed the door shut and leaned against the door. Baela's eyes welled up with tears as her breathing got faster. She didn't want to marry anyone. She wanted Thereya. And she didn't even know where she was right now. She just wanted to fly on the dragon back with her sister.

She sat there and wondered where Daemon had taken her. Where did she go? Where did she disappear? Will she come back?

Oh, Thereya Targaryen why did you doom us? Baela thought as she let the frustration get the better of her. Moonlight shone down upon her gentle skin as she cursed her father under her breath, wishing she could go back to Driftmark with Rhaena wishing that her heart would allow her to do such a thing. But it didn't, and she couldn't do it.

As the dawn neared Baela moved to the edge of her bed and to her surprise someone knocked on her door.

Thereya? She thought first. No.

"Rhaena?" Baela whispered.

Rhaena entered her sisters chambers and sat besides her, "You were right. We are a family... So... I won't leave your side Baela... I won't until I die... I swear it... Could you forgive me?"

"How could I not?" Baela shook her head as she embraced Rhaena tightly. Making everything matter way less then it did.

She was with Rhaena, she was home.

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