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‘‘why'd you had to lie and cheat on me ?” Ahaana's voice trembling with hurt and anger.

Lakshay stands before her, his expression a mixture of guilt and defiance.

The air thick with tension.

"Tell me... Don't stay silent, say a fucking word." She yelled, tears streak down her cheeks as she demands answers, her hands balling into fists at her sides.

“Say ?” She shouts loudly grabbing his collar.

In a swift motion, he clasped her hands and, with a sudden release of tension, straightened his collar, gently pushing her aside.

"Because I still love her," he spat out with a twisted sense of pride, "now, stop it."

She looked at him with pleading eyes, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Why?" she whispered brokenly, her heart shattering with each word. "Why do you still love her?" She crumbled before him, the weight of his words crushing her spirit as she struggled to make sense of it all, her world collapsing around her.

She sank to the floor, her legs giving way beneath her as sobs wracked her body.  Her hands covered her face, as if trying to shield herself from  tearing her apart from within. Each cry echoed through the room, a raw outpouring of pain and betrayal.

She couldn't control herself for next moment so she ends up crying loud and loud.

As the colors of her vision began to fade. Details blurred, faces became indistinct, and the once vivid scenery dissolved into a haze. She had to put alot of pressure to even move her eyes, raise her hands or open her mouth to cry more.

Gathering all of her energy when she began to see some light and her husband hugging and pampering her.
He whispered soothing words, his voice a calming presence in the darkness.

"It's okay, my love," he murmured, brushing away her tears with tender caresses.

"I'm here with you. It was just a dream." He said.

‘‘You, You cheated on me or it was a nightmare” she asked him, confused.

“Yes it was nightmare, I'll never cheat on you, I can't cheat on you my love.”
He said hugging her tighter.

They sit nestled together, his arms wrapped protectively around her, offering both physical and emotional comfort. Outside, the night is still, the only sound the quiet rhythm of their breathing as they hold each other close, finding solace in each other's presence.

“I love you” He whispered in he ear.

“Thank you” she said looking at his face in dark. He raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

“what ?” He asked.

“When you say I LOVE YOU to me it feels like a blessing so I thank you for loving me” She said in a lovely way her features relaxed, each word filled with emotions and feelings.

Impressed ith her words he kissed her forehead and help her to fall asleep.


I k this part is so small but I just wanted to tell you with this that I'm here. Let me know what you think twist will be? How you want this book to end ?

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