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Tine's pov

Visits to hospital became often and longer. Though dad assured that he and Type could handle everything and that I should not be worrying about mom's health but I had no intention of backing down on from my duty towards my family.

Usually one among the three of us would stay at the hospital always. Since dad was there for the day hence Type came to rest at my place. There was still some unspoken awkwardness which lingered in the air when we were alone but the situation was way better than the initial days.

Type had taken the responsibility to prepare breakfast hence I thought to devote my free day on my project work but since the day was Saturday, I remembered that I was supposed to spend it with Sarawat for major part of the day!

I was in my room when I heard Type mentioning that the devil hadarrived and I reluctantly paved my way downstairs.

Dressed in a cream-coloured full length shirt with baggy pants, he looked way too jovial to my liking.

"Let's get done with breakfast now so that we can leave soon. I have to be back home soon," I announced moving towards the dining table.

"Too eager to leave with me Teepakorn that you don't have time to wish a brief Good morning," he said settling beside me. I ignored not wanting to get into an argument given the fact that the entire day was left for that!

"How are you doing Type and how is your mom?" he enquired.
I took a seat and placed my breakfast while Type served the unwanted someone.

"I am fine and mom is doing good. She is missing home a lot hence we are just waiting for her to get a bit better so that we can take her home," Type replied placing the  plate carrying sandwiches in front of Sarawat.

"I am not informed that you are planning to take her back!" I commented.

Type didn't look at me as he replied," Dad and me are planning to surprise her by directly taking her back home when the doctor allows at least for few days till her next chemo schedule."

"And when did you two expect to tell me, forget about asking for any opinion because I know anything I say doesn't really matter right..."

"It's not like that. It was never the intention..." I cut him in between unable to carry forward the facade of not being affected by their ignorant behaviour towards me.

"Please Type, don't give me any lame excuses. I agree that my behaviour towards your mom has been very bad but trust me when I say that now things are better between us," my voice broke as the feeling of discomfort grew from within.

"Of course I know that and I am genuinely happy for both of you," he said momentarily looking into my eyes.

"Then why I am being made to feel that I still don't deserve to have any say in any matter related to her? Why am I always the last person to know about anything happening in the family? Tell me what more should I do on my part that you guys stop making me feel being unwanted and ignorant of my very existence," I blurted out in a go while my vision got blurred.

Type kept silent as if he knew that nothing that he would say would calm me down.

"Well I must say I had just come here for breakfast but didn't know that I will get to witness such high octave emotional scene right out of the family dynamics of the Teepakorn clan."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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