CHAPTER 17: The rush of emotions

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No One's pov

The scene at the hospital was way too tensed and awkward for Sarawat. Though, he could have just dropped Tine and left but that didn't feel right to him and he followed Tine till they got to the room where Type and their dad were waiting for him.

The moment Tine saw them, he rushed to his dad and hugged him who embraced him softly.

"This can't happen again dad! Please tell me...that she is fine," he said bursting out in tears.

His dad knew that Tine would be feeling sorry for Busaba but that he would take her health issue so seriously wasn't something he was expecting. Busaba had feared it. In spite of knowing that Tine didn't really admire her as he felt that she stole his mom's place in the family. She had guessed that when he would get to know of her suffering from cancer, it would end up bringing painful memories of his mother suffering from the same disease. It was the very reason, she had strictly warned both Type and her husband to keep Tine away from the news.

It was just one day few months back, that she felt some lump around her breast but since it was painless, she ignored it for a while. It was the same time, when she used to send Tine daily messages. She genuinely was trying hard to get Tine back to his dad and make him realise that they all loved him. She knew it that it would be a hard battle to develop a soft corner for herself in Tine's heart but she was determined to never give up.

She finally went for the checkup when she noticed the lump growing mildly. When the reports confirmed that she was suffering from breast cancer inspite of being the positive soul that she had always been, she decided to backout on her plan of getting closer to Tine. She could already seen the restlessness and tension Type and his dad underwent when they got the news, hence to try and enter Tine's life if the chances of her survival were questionable felt disturbing to her. By the time, he had gotten in talking terms with his dad and with a heavy heart, she had messaged him that she would never trouble him with further texting.

Sarawat noticed Type looking at Tine and sobbing. He went and put his hand on Type's shoulder. He was momentarily confused to see Sarawat as he wasn't quite good friends with Tine when he last saw him but he didn't really press on the confusion for long with eyes glued to Tine.

"I can't see him like this... I failed to keep up my promise to mom," he said.

His dad dragged Tine to a nearby chair and handed him a glass of water which he reluctantly consumed.

"Don't worry Tine. Everything he going to be fine. She is a fighter you know."

Tine commented looking blanking at him, "You used to say the same thing for mom!"

"Please Tine..."

"This cancer sucks dad..."

They both went silent, his dad had no idea how to make the other feel any better so all he did was stay mum till Tine questioned, "She would hate to see me here, right?"

"Of course not dear! She will love to see you instead," his dad replied in a jiffy.

"Don't lie dad... I know she doesn't like me as I never gave her a reason to like me. I deserve her hate," Tine said, tearing flowing again from his tired eyes making his dad pull him into a hug again as he assured him, "Trust me when I say this... She loves you way more than I could ever make you feel but now when you are here, you will see it for yourself how much she admires you."

Meanwhile, Sarawat and Type went on a small walk around the corridor, giving some personal space to the other too. Type told Wat the entire situation briefly which he seemed to understand. Watching Sarawat accompanying his brother, he thought that they both had become friend.

Sarawat exchanged contact number with Type and asked him to call him in case they needed any sort of assistance while they were in Bangkok. He also thought to talk to Tine before he left but had no idea what he would say, hence he made exit without meeting him.

Busaba was way too tired after the first round of therapy, hence she slept longer than usual, also Tine had denied confronting her the same day, as he was feeling way too guilty to gather enough courage to make up his mind and to stand before her. Type suggested their dad to take Tine along with him to Tine's place and that he would look after Busaba over the night to which he agreed noticing Tine's gloomy face. Tine was reluctant to go but when insisted that they could come again the next day, he agreed.

Fong and Mil were clueless about Tine's whereabouts the next day in the campus. He was neither taking their calls nor texting them back which was very unusual as though he wasn't quite expressive but over the time, all of them had become quite good friends, hence, his unresponsive attitude made them tensed specially after Fong discussed seeing his brother and father the previous day to Mil.

'Fong told me about having seen Type and your dad in the city. If it is a personal matter and you don't want us to interfere then that is alright. But at least text back that you are fine.'

Mil sent him the message...hoping to get his reply.

Sarawat, on the other hand, had his mind revolved around Tine's emotional state that was upsetting him a lot which was making him feel irritated over the lack of control he was having over his thoughts. He tried taking her thoughts everywhere else, even spent hours on the basketball court but nothing helped. All he felt like doing was to get to the hospital and to keep a check if he was fine.

Wat also noticed Fong with Mil, a few times around the classes, engaged in some conversation. He could make out that they were tensed and thought Tine to be the reason behind it. For a second, he felt like telling them what he got to notice in the hospital but his ego didn't let him make a move to start a conversation with them.

It was around 2pm when Tine got in a cab to reach the hospital. His dad had left his place earlier telling him to come later in the afternoon to meet Busaba. Tine wasn't sure about what he would say to her. How would he look in her eyes and make her believe that he genuinely hated to see her in the hospital bed. He had already told his dad to not let his stepmom know of Tine visiting her. For the first time ever, he wanted no one else to come in between them, as he planned to meet her willingly.

Though, it would just be his family at the hospital but still nervousness and anxiety about his possible meet up with Busaba was making him quite stressed. He scrolled through his phone to divert his mind only to notice the several calls and texts from Fong and Mil. It felt nice that in this new city, he had been able to find people who were concerned about him. He came across the last text of Mil stating that he didn't want to interfere in Tine's family matter. It was as if in a reflex, he typed and sent the message to Mil.

'If you are free...can you come to St. Paul's hospital now and don't panick as I am fine.'


The update it comparatively short but I hope you like it.

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