Medieval Fantasies 3

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"You think you can defeat me, angel? I am the soon to be king of demons, and the ruler of the underworld. You are nothing compared to my power," Aisnar taunted, his eyes burning with fury.
Michael remained steadfast, his determination unwavering. He knew the stakes were high, but he also knew that he fought for a just cause. With a swift motion, he raised his sword and charged towards Aisnar, ready to vanquish the darkness that threatened to consume them both.
As their swords clashed, a shockwave of energy reverberated through the battlefield. The sheer force of their collision sent ripples of dark and light energy swirling around them, creating a vortex of power that threatened to engulf everything in its path.

Aisnar and Michael fought fiercely, their blades clashing with a ferocity that echoed throughout the realm. Each strike was met with a counterattack, each parry met with a riposte. It was a dance of death and destruction, a battle that would determine the fate of the world.
With a powerful swing of his sword, Michael managed to break through Aisnar's defenses, leaving him vulnerable for a split second. Seizing the opportunity, he unleashed a burst of divine light that enveloped Aisnar, searing his dark form.
"Aargh! How dare you, you insolent fool!" Aisnar screamed, his body writhing in agony as the holy light burned through his demonic essence. But even in his weakened state, he refused to yield.
With a mighty roar, Aisnar unleashed a wave of dark energy that shattered the divine light, pushing Michael back with sheer force. The archangel stumbled but regained his footing, his resolve unbroken.
"You will not win, Aisnar. The light will always prevail over darkness," Michael declared, his voice full of conviction.

Infuriated, Aisnar conjured up an even more powerful spell, a vortex of dark energy that threatened to consume everything in its path. But Michael had a plan.
Calling upon his angelic powers, he focused his energy and created a shield of pure light that surrounded him, deflecting the darkness and protecting him from harm. With a determined gaze, he charged towards Aisnar, his sword raised high.
"Your reign of terror ends now, demon of Might. You will face justice for your crimes," Michael proclaimed, his voice echoing with divine authority.
Aisnar snarled, his eyes burning with hatred. With a primal scream, he launched himself at Michael, their swords meeting in a final clash of wills. The battlefield erupted in a blinding flash of light and darkness, a crescendo of power that shook the very foundations of the earth.
And in the end, it was neither light or darkness triumphed as they both fell and then Aisna got back up with his ring diamond shining a blue light. With a final strike, Michael armour was shattered by Aisnar's blade, leaving him defenseless. Then two angel came before Aisnar and then lust and abaddon came as Aisnar fell to his knees, he then said" what is this my battle is still being wagged his body has not crumbled into dust as yet the light seem to have consumed him, as his blade works is like none I have ever met. This evil from the world will never disappear as long as I live, then the Angel's took Michael up and flew away and Aisnar reverted back to his normal form of demonic form as he is now weaken and cant take on the form of a god.

As the battle came to a close, Aisnar beated Michael and stood victorious, his wings shimmering with divine darkness reverted back leaving him in his demonic form. The realm was now in turmoil once again as they knew of what Uziel did to make war take place upon earth from the threat of darkness, thanks to Michael trying to capture Azroth The First who is known for his bravery and sacrifice and now to be one of the great ones to have faced off against a archangel.
And so, the eternal struggle between light and darkness continued, a never-ending cycle of battles fought in the name of good and evil. But for now, the light had dimmed lower as Michael lost the great battle.

 But for now, the light had dimmed lower as Michael lost the great battle

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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