Chapter 24

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Jace couldn't help but worry about how everything turned out the way it did. All he wanted was for his sister to remain the bubbly happy girl she once was, for his ex-teammates to progress their relationship to one of love, and for everyone to have a happily ever ending. Not his sister's past tormentor to come back and shatter her safety net, for his sister to end up mated to the ones he loved and the others he had a crush on. Above all else, he didn't want to lose his sister to her mind where he couldn't reach her. He couldn't reach his light.

He couldn't deny that he was partial to blame seeing as he didn't act right away when she thought she was being watched. Nor when mystery packages showed up seeing as a few neighborhood boys had crushes on her. He couldn't deny that his sister was a beautiful gentle soul that attracted annoying bugs to her flame. Now, he sits here by her side as she perches on her window seat in her bedroom staring off into the distance. That distance going further than the wall he could only see her staring at.

"Jewely?" he quietly called out to her. No response as it has been for the past week. "Please, Jewels, I really need some sort of sign that you can hear me. A blink, squeeze my hand, I mean, shit you can even slap me if it will make you feel better! Please, I just need to know that my Jewels is somewhere still in there?" he rambled as tears filled his eyes. He sat there staring at her till the sun started to set. Sighing he stood up, and picked her up bridal style before going back over to her bed. He laid her down before kissing the top of her head and then leaving down to the kitchen.

"They are going to be here before long, I should make something.......Spaghetti should suffice with a side salad. It's one of her favorite meals and maybe we can get her to eat it. Or they maybe could, ugh," Jace groaned as he slammed his forehead against the fridge doors. "Why is it them? They can bring out your Little side, they are the ones that bring you the most comfort, and well, I bet they are going to be able to help you here too. Why can't I?"

Sighing, Jace stood back up from his slumped form and got to work preparing a dinner for everyone to enjoy. He figured they'd be starving by the time they got there. Just as he finished setting up a buffet style on the kitchen island the front door slammed open. Not expecting it, he nearly shit himself while almost knocking over the glass plates.

"Where the fuck is she?" a voice growled out as Jace scrambled over to the entryway. Just as he rounded the corner he was shoved backwards by a hand grasping his neck. The air was knocked out of his lungs when his back made contact with a wall. Looking up he noticed it was Brandon with a dark gleam in his eyes. "Oh, hey there buddy, where the fuck is our mate?" Brandon asked with a sinister smile.

Trying to take a breath, he grasped Brandon's wrist to hopefully push it away. The next moment, he was curling forward on his knees as he wrapped his arms around his torso. "Answer, where Tiny Treasure?" Raven's deep rumbling voice sent a cold shiver over Jace.

Coughing he meekly said, "Upstairs, room...down...hall...end." Jace struggled to say as he was still trying to get his breath.

Sean, Luke, Axel, Gabe, Marc, Corey, and Owen made their way upstairs till they reached a door at the end of the hall covered with purple butterflies. Luke pushed the door open enough to peek in. He took notice that there was an eerie silence mixed with a stale atmosphere. Like the universe was screaming that something was absolutely wrong and chaotic. Pushing the door further he noticed a form in the bed and let the others follow him to the bed. Gasps came from the men as they took in Jewel's form.

Her platinum blonde hair with blue tips seemed faded and knotted, there were bags under her eyes that were a stark contrast to her pale skin tone. Her cheekbones were protruding, her lips chapped, her hazel eyes sunken in and they were sure if they moved the blanket they wouldn't be too happy.

"Hey Doll, it's your wolf," Axel said as he leaned over her. "I've missed you."

He had to force himself not to flinch at the vacant stare that looked back at him. He scooped his hand behind her neck and moved her to sit up, hating how she just let him move her about.

"Fuck," Sean mumbled as he took in her drastic weight loss. "Luke, get me Kota and Marc," he demanded as he opened his medical bag. A couple of minutes later Kota and Marc walked into the room and gasped. "Help me set up an IV bag now," Sean commanded sternly, "she needs nutrients immediately."

"On it," Kota said as he grabbed the bag that was filled while Marc started figuring out how to hang it from her canopy bed.

Axel helped Sean set her up against her headboard and pillows. "I can feel her bones, Doc," Axel said through clenched teeth. Sean nodded as Axel pushed her hair behind her ear, "We're here Doll, we're all here." He pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes, not being able to handle the emptiness that was in there. His heart literally hurt in physical pain at seeing her like this and a feeling in his chest told him that the others felt the same. "We're here, Doll." He placed a kiss on her forehead then held her hand in his, "Doc?"

"I can't tell you anything," Sean shook his head, "I'm sorry but in cases like this they are usually sent to the psych ward or a home. It's up to the person if they come back." 

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