What a Wonderful Day

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Years pasted. Poppy grew with Scarlet, Scarlet's husband named Author, and their only child and daughter Akemi. Just like her mother, Akemi had lovely fiery orange hair. Her eyes matched with a similar color and wonderful spark in them. The town adored her. Without question, she was considered the town jewel. Poppy grew up knowing this was not her family. At least not her mother, father, and sister. Even if it wasn't for Scarlet never letting Poppy call her mother, they were nothing a like. Different hair colors, eyes colors, skin. Not to mention, they were different species. The island had nothing but humans. Scared they would bully Poppy for her third eye, Scarlet made her hide it with her hair.

Poppy's uncle was a horrid man. He would go on and on about how his wife could never do anything right. About how she could never make him happy. That he married her for her looks and over the years she had changed and was no longer desirable. If the poor woman was to defy his orders or didn't do something exactly to his liking, he'd beat her. It never mattered what she did. He would always find something wrong with it and punish her. Akemi was told to never go against his word. Scarlet was too scared he'd hurt her too. Scarlet encouraged Akemi to keep herself and Poppy out of house. So Akemi did her best to do as mother said. She'd take Poppy out to play, to shop, to eat. Anything she could. It could only last so long until they needed to go home.

A traveling circus gave Akemi hope that Poppy would have a happier day than usual. They went everyday it was open, always in the front seats. Their favorite parts were the clowns and acrobatics. The clowns were always such bright colors and the acrobatics were always so precise with their movements. After coming to the show for two weeks straight, the clowns began to recognize them more and more. Poppy was picked up by one of clowns and included in his act. It was so fun. Everyone seemed so happy. As soon as it was finished, Poppy was handed back to Akemi.

Another week went by as the main clown that would interact with them took notice that Akemi was becoming more and more upset day by day. As soon as he was on break, he went to her, asking if she wished to talk. It took a bit of persuasion but Akemi finally agreed. After the show, Akemi went back stage with Poppy in toe. The clown went to them and took them to his tent. Poppy didn't hide that she wanted to adventure to the other circus members. The clown smiled to Akemi. "Don't worry. It's safe to let her roam here!" Akemi was hesitant but slowly let Poppy venture off as she went into the tent.

The clown, who Akemi learned was named Gigi, talked with her. He made her comfortable until Akemi was comfortable sharing her troubles. When she began to speak is all came gushing out. Tears ran down her face as she told her tale and how scared she was to go home. Gigi was silent and listened. Once Akemi finished, she felt Gigi's warmth wrap around her. Her shoulders fell as she melted into him and let out the tears she had been holding back all these years. Gigi just stayed there, holding her. He told her that she would always be welcome to the circus if she wished.

When they came back the next day, early as always, they were pulled to the back as Gigi presented them with two clown outfits. Poppy immediately took hers and ran to go change. Akemi stared and slowly took it. The fabric seemed to sparkle as the light hit it. She smiled and hugged Gigi tightly, thanking him before running off to get dress. Their faces got painted like the other clowns before having fun for the rest of the day. After the circus closed for the day, the two girls collapsed from exhaustion. They laughed, feeling happy in this place full of joy. They agreed to come back and participate in the circus every day they could.

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