"Ready for training everyone?" Black Canary asked, walking in with Martian Manhunter.

"Black Canary, Uncle J'onn!" M'gann squealed, rushing towards and embracing her uncle.

He placed a hand on her shoulder,"M'gann i was in the neighborhood, i thought i'd see how you were adjusting."

"A few bumps but im learning!" M'gann states.

Superboy see's this friendly interaction and turns to leave. It reminded him of how much he wanted Superman's approval and how he could never seem to get it.

Black Canary sees he walking away and says "Stick around,class is in session."

Superboy turns around and folds his arms angrily. Black Canary then walks into the middle of the room and the floor began to glow white, initiating training mode.

"I consider it an honer to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything i've learnt from my own mentors," She begins to peel back her jacket, wincing when she pulled it down to her lower shoulder as it was wrapped in bandages. 

"And my own bruises." She added, holding the injury with her other hand.

"What happened?" Raven and M'gann said at the same time. M'gann looked worried while Raven looked intrigued. Like she was trying to figure out what had caused the injury or who had caused it.

"The job." Canary answered bluntly, she threw the jacket off to the side."Now, combat is about controlling conflict, putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner."

"Right here," Wally said, raising his hand and stepping forward. Robin and Aqualad give each other looks and Raven shrug's.

"After this," Wally said, he lined up the banana peal and threw it into the bin. "Swoosh. I'll show you my moves." Then Wally stepped into the arena.

Black Canary narrows her eyes and puts her mouth into a sly smile. She nods and immediately throws a right hook heading for his face. Kid manages to block it just as quickly but she spins around and knocks his feet out from under him.

Wally falls to the floor with a satisfying crash, he groans. Aqualad turns away, M'gann gasps, Robin flinches, smirking and Raven watches intently.

On the floor, a holographic status appeared in bright bold letters:


"Hurts so good," He says wincing.

"Good block," Canary offered a hand which Kid took graciously "But did anyone see what he did wrong?"

"Oh! Oh! He hit on teacher and got served?" Robin offered excitedly mocking his friend. Raven and M'gann snickered a bit.

"Dude!" Kid Flash hissed, holding his shoulder.

"He allowed me to dictate the terms of-" She is cut off by Superboy's interruption.

"Oh please,"

Their teacher turned to face him. 

"With my powers, the battles always on my terms. I'm a living weapon." He continued, pointing to himself.

Canary raised an eyebrow, her hands on her hips.

"And this is a waste of my time." The clone finishes.

Black Canary smiles confidently, she doesn't back down, instead she yearns for the fight ahead."Prove it."


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