" Aryaputron. You have completely lost your patience without understanding the whole situation-"

" We saw what we needed to. That's enough for us Panchali. "

" But Arya. It's possible to have a valid reason for this right? Jiji doesn't do these things randomly." Meenakshi added, defending her sister in law.

" Whatever reasons she had she can tell us. I hoped she had learnt from the incident with Abhimanyu but no. " Karn fumed.

" But Arya -"

" No. Enough. Jyeshtha has done what she wanted to. We can never forgive her for something like this. " Arjun finally said.

" Then wasn't she wrong in forgiving you all, other than Jyeshth? " Devika said, angrily storming in followed by her husband.

" Tell me priy devarshree. With what right have you decided to forgive her, when what you did to her was not even worth forgiveness yet she did so. She forgave her brothers who couldn't stand up to fight for her as she was disrobed in front of an entire sabha. She forgave you as a child when you hurt her, physically or emotionally. Need I say more?" She said, staring at them with daggers in her eyes.

" Jyeshth. Arjun. Jyeshtha always thinks before doing anything. We have to trust her. She will do what she needs. "

" But bhrata Yudhishthir. She should be able to tell us that. Why did she take a decision on her own. " Sahdev said, trying to be reasonable. Failing miraculously.

" Did her brothers stop to listen to her Sahdev that she would have a chance to explain herself?" Keshav said as he walked in with a barely controlled Adam by his side. His hands were in fists, blood dripping down, in anger.

" Did you Arya? Did you listen to Jyeshtha? " Subhadra said, now questioning her husband.

" No. We were -we were too angry-"

" Too angry! Too angry doesn't mean that a culprit, if at all she is one, has no right to defend herself you fools! " Karenumati shouted, as they all stared at her in shock.

" We must leave for war now. Parth. Your target is Angraj Dandik. We must kill him. " Krishn said, calming down, walking up to the chariot. Arjun had noticed that his Madhav was disappointed in him.


They fought fiercely, as each arrow created a different war altogether in the area where they fought. Valiantly. Fighting to death it seemed.

" Arjun! Today I'll kill you! Then I'll kill myself, to go lie down in your sister.... Ohh Karunika. Her lap! "

" Murkh! Jyeshtha would never allow you to do that! " ' She wouldn't.... Would she?

" She has no choice you agyani! I have been blessed by Mahadev himself! I will die with my head in her lap. She will finally love me as I love her! " He shouted back, firing deadlier arrows. Neither party surrendering.

" Angraj.... The boon said she has to let you die with your head in her lap. With what relation she does it, you never asked for, or specified in your boon. " Keshav  said, the smallest of smirks on his face.

" What idiocy are you saying Vasudev. That was my boon! "

" Recall your boon Angraj. " Krishn replied as Arjun just watched the exchange, confused.

I bless you putr Dandik. You will lose your life with your head in her lap. Tathastu.

The Angraj realised his folly and the unfairness of the boon. The shock made him drop his dhanush, looking down at his hands.

" Parth. Aim and fire. This is how he has to die. " Krishn said, as Dandik reeled with the shock.

" But Madhav, he isn't holding his dhanush-"

" So! He has surrendered himself. Do it Parth! If you don't want me to pick up my sudarshan, fire that arrow! " Krishn said, turning around to look at his friend with fire in his eyes.

So he did. Just as Dandik finally began picking up his dhanush, Arjun fired the arrow, straight to his neck. It was lodged there.

Adam meanwhile had gone to pick Karunika when he saw her, under the tree, fozen from the cold.

" Priye? Come. We must leave. Arjun has launched his arrow on Angraj. We must go. " He said, picking her up in his arms, warming her with the angvastr lying in the rath.


As she reached the Warfield, she saw Dandik, lying on the ground, while  her brothers were all busy in their own battles.

It was time for suryast. Only a few moments left.

" Pranipa-pranipat Karunika. "

" Pranipat Angraj. " She said, sitting on the ground.

He tried hard, moving up to her lap in small, sure movements.

Once it was finally there, he felt at peace.

He looked up to see her.

Her eyes we're the most conflicted ones in the entire universe. She wanted to throw him away for calling her all he did, for trying to kill her husband, for injuring her son. But time demanded that she give him love like she would her brothers. So she did exactly that.

Lifting a shaky hand, she carresed his head, watching him finally close his eyes as he gave up his life in peace.

She sat there, shook, soul nearly leaving her body as she saw him die in her lap.

It was cruel. Fate was cruel to her.

" Jyeshtha! What are you doing. Why is our enemy in your lap? "


The brothers sat around their sister, who had now decided to stand up, without a word, walking away from their pleas, all other than Yudhishthir's.

She looked at him, saying, " Now that you all know the truth, why I did what all I did, I hope you fight better tomorrow. Duryodhan will die tomorrow, as will Gandharaj Shakuni. " She said, striding away.

She knew that if she listened to any of their please she would cry. Her brothers, she never expected trust out of them. But they didn't let her explain. Now that someone else said the same thing, their faces fell? Disgusting.


Well... You should have listened to your wives you idiots... But anyways.

Share your opinions in the comments. You realize that I'm not that cruel... Right? Right? I totally don't torture all my main characters....

Anyways, thank you for your votes... We are rapidly approaching 900 and I, hope we soon keep completing more milestones. Maybe even 2000 some day, who knows. Please give my sencond book Seven in a World the same live that you give to Karunika. I value your votes on that as well.

Much love

Radhekrishn ❤

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