8- Comfort

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Next day...

James got up from his bed and went to the bathroom, he looked at his face in the mirror...his face was red from all that crying last night...But the marauders comforted him...

James didn't want to go for breakfast, he didn't want to see or talk to Lily...

There was a knock on the bathroom door, James opened it and saw Sirius standing there..

"Hey Prongs, how are you feeling, any better?" asked Sirius as he patted James shoulder

"Maybe better, but I don't want to see Lily today, in the great hall or in lectures" said James

"But we have to go for breakfast, believe me James you will feel better after eating something I promise, and I won't let Lily come near you or talk to you, she doesn't deserve you Prongs, you are an amazing friend and a brother to me believe me James" Sirius said and hugged him

"Thanks Padfoot, you and the marauders always make me feel better" said James solemnly

"That's what friends are for Prongsie" said Sirius "Now common lets go have breakfast"

James, Sirius, Remus and Peter went in the great hall, James didn't dare to look around incase Lily was sitting nearby... 

"James" someone called and patted on James shoulder... James didn't turn around he guessed this voice, it was Lily Evans voice... he kept starring at his food...

"Get away from him Evans" growled Sirius at Lily

"But I-"

"No Evans, he doesn't want to talk to you, nor does he want to see your face, so sod off, and don't you dare talk to him or disturb him" snapped Sirius

Lily ignored Sirius' commands, she patted James on the back again...

James got up and looked at Sirius...

"Sirius I-I will go to o-our next lecture t-transfiguration, I-I am sure Minnie will be glad t-to see m-me early" said James and left the great hall in a hurry

Sirius looked at Lily

"Why can't you just leave him alone, now he didn't even have his breakfast, your just making it worst for him" snapped Sirius

"I-I just wanted to ask if he's o-ok" said Lily in a guilty way

"If he is ok?" Sirius laughed in a sarcastic way "If he is ok?... OF COURSE HE IS NOT OK AFTER WHAT YOU TOLD HIM YESTERDAY, I AM WARNING YOU EVANS STAY AWAY FROM JAMES, James is an amazing friend, and you don't deserve him, he is like my brother and he is the best man I have ever known, he loved you a lot he was ready to do anything for you and now you broke his heart, you are not worthy of him Evans so keep away from him, and don't you dare say a word to him again" said Sirius

Sirius and the Marauders left, Lily was in a shock state, was James actually heart broken, James always acted so brave as if he didn't care about love or emotions...

Lily was walking towards the transfiguration class when she heard sobbing from a empty corner..

Lily walked to the empty corner it was almost hidden, she saw James leaning on the wall hugging his knees and crying...

Lily couldn't believe her eyes, she had made James cry, the famous popular James Potter cry, she felt horrible and guiltily...

"James" Lily said in a very soft tone...

"James please look at me, please talk to me, I am so s-sorry I didn't know it would hurt so much"

James hugged his knees even tighter to hide his face...He didn't want to cry in front of Lily, he always tried to impress Lily he can't cry in front of her...

Lily sat down beside James, she patted James back in a comforting way...

"James please talk to me, I was wrong about you, your nothing like I thought you were, I always thought that you were selfish and emotionless but I was wrong, please talk to me" begged Lily

"I-I d-don't w-want to t-talk"said James that sounded like a whisper

"P-Please can I s-see you face?, I never meant to break y-your h-heart" asked Lily

Lily slowly removed hair from James face, she looked at him..

Lily gasped...

James face was red and tears stained on his face, his eyes red face scrunched up...eyes bloodshot and puffy...face pale and wet...

"Oh James..."

Lily hugged him...For the first time she hugged James Potter...

Lily had tears in her eyes, she never meant to hurt him...She had hurt James feelings, she felt horrible...James actually is a nice person and he has feelings...Lily felt horrible for saying those things to him...

"J-James I a-am so sorry, I never m-meant to hurt you, I-I am so so sorry..."

James couldn't control his tears, and he couldn't believe that he was hugging Lily Evans, the girl he always fancied...He tried to stop crying in front of Lily but it was of no use he was so hurt it felt like his heart was crushed into pieces...He couldn't stop his tears...He hugged his knees harder trying to hide his face, trying to hide his feelings, he didn't want to look like a child who is crying, he didn't want to look sensitive, but his tears were flooding through his eyes...

"Please forgive me James, I know its all my fault, if you don't want to forgive me I will understand"

"I-I am sorry, I s-shouldn't h-have asked y-you out again and a-again" said James sobbing in her arms

"Its not y-your fault James, its all my fault, I never meant to h-hurt y-you, you are an amazing p-person James, I-I am just so horrible t-to hurt you, you have full r-rights to cry, I made you c-cry, I am so sorry J-James, you are an amazing person and a really brave and loyal friend, I never meant those things I said to y-you, I just felt so c-confused, I don't h-hate you actually your amazing and b-brave, I just got so c-confused w-when you asked me out a-again"

Lily was blushing because she was hugging and comforting Ja-Potter, she had a crush on him, she couldn't believe it...James was so brave handsome and he was so kind, loyal to his friends, the way he always messed up his hair it was just so amazing...

"I-Its just that I like you, like y-you a l-lot like love you, your a-amazing, I just can't r-resist asking you o-out, I don't w-want to give up" James said sobbing

"I-I wan-wanted to tell you something P-Potter"

"Y-Yes?"asked James still sobbing in her arms

"I kind off l-like you t-too, when y-you asked me o-out, I was just so confused like I-I wanted to say yes b-but I acted l-like a coward, I just didn't k-know what to s-say..." she said not making eye contact

James eyes widened, he skipped a heart beat, he couldn't believe his ears...

"Is t-this a d-dare from your f-friends to y-you" 

"N-no" said lily

"So if I-I ask y-you out w-what w-will you s-say"

"I might s-say y-yes" said Lily blushing

Continue next chapter...

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