We come up with a WAAAY better plan

Start from the beginning

I started to walk, but I tripped over the water fountain and landed in the water. 

Frustrated, I splashed the water and laid down, when I heard a voice say, "You need help with that?" 

Right in front of me was the one, the only, Nico DeAngelo.

So naturally, I screamed.

"That's not cool man, so not cool." I said as I stood up, taking his offered hand, and punching him in the shoulder.

"Ow." He said rubbing his shoulder, "Just wanted to check and see if you were okay."

He looked at me expectantly, but I was not sharing anything.

"Are you okay?" He clarified.

"The fuck do you think?" I snapped at him. I was tired of everyone suddenly caring so much about me.. like I got off well by myself my whole life, I don't need any help now... even if my life was coming to an end.

I looked back up at him and he was looking at me...weird. Almost sympathetic.

"I know how you feel." He said cautiously. "I-"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He took a deep breath and looked away, contemplating something, and returned to look back at me, "Since I'm the son of Hades, I share some... attributes with my father. Just like you share with Loki. One of Hades' many powers is he can.." he looked like he was struggling to come up with the words, "in a way sense the amount of death on a person."


"I'm... I'm sorry, but I know how you feel, I really do." He said, "I had a sister, once. She was always there to protect me, even after my mom died. We stuck together throughout the decades we missed, and I thought we were going to always be together. But, we were found by Percy and Annabeth, and... I guess...she uh, didn't want to be stuck with me anymore." He shrugged but started tearing up, "She joined Artemis and her hunters, and swore to never be near any males again, which included me. Then Percy needed her help on a quest. I don't really know what happened, but they won. I had kind of figured out Hades was my dad, but I wanted to tell Bianca first. When they got back.. she..um..." his voice broke, "she was gone."

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"Yeah, but uh... I was really angry, and sad and just so upset with everything. I thought that if I was dead, at least I'd be dead with her. Uh.. well it was going to plan until Dad decided to check up on me. He told me that he loved me," he smiled "and the fates weren't done with me yet."

"So you're not gonna tell me you love me, right?" I half-heartedly joked.

"Haha, no. But there is someone I think you should talk to." He grabbed my elbow and we started walking out of the garden, towards the sound of the road.

"Nico you don't understand. If I don't die, then everyone else will."


"Because she knows them, she's seen me with them, and unless you can figure out someway to make her and everyone I love forget I existed, they're gonna die. And I'd rather die then let that happen."

"Then I really  think you should come with me."

"Fine. Where are we going?"

"Do you want me to be specific?"


"177A Bleecker Street."

And with that we melted into the darkness.


Just as quickly as the world disappeared, in front of us emerged a familiar building.

"So you wanted to take me to the doctor?"


"What kind of doctor is he anyways?"

"Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit-from-hat"

"Haha very funny."

He walked up to the door and as he knocked on it we were transported in front of a huge staircase, with the main man himself at the top.

"Thanks for the heads-up Nico." He remarked

"But I didn-" Nico said obviously confused.

"Its called sarcasm, princess."

"I am not  a princes-"

"Oh-kay" I clapped my hands together, "Let's get this started because I'd honestly rather be anywhere else at the moment."

"Fortunately, I know why you're here." Strange said, "And before you ask, I am a very powerful being."

"Uh-huuuh" I winked, "I believe you."

"I saw you wink."

"No you didn't."

"You know- whatever. But your plan will work, just not how you think it will." He continued saying, "It won't work on gods. But, since gods are literally formed from  what humans believe, it will be like you never even existed."

"I've never really understood how that whole belief thing works." I stated.

"I don't know completely, but it has something to do with the soul of the human species. It's capabilities are endless."

"Well that really cleared it all up." Nico muttered under his breath.

"It will take some time to prepare the items for the spell. I need to make sure it's perfect. And I assume you'll want to say goodbye to a few people." Strange decided, "I'll give you a week."

"Okay, but Strange-"

"Call me Stephen."

"Okay, but Stephen-

"Feels a little weird."

"-what do I even say to them?"

"Pretend that you're there to say sorry."

"I guess that won't be difficult."

"Okay.. Ba bye now."

And with that, he shut the door in our faces.


i was studying for exams :P

buuut its spring break so i should update more


love y'all  🫶🫶🫶

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