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jeonghan lets out a yawn, he woke up early for the first time after 2 weeks and it was terrible.. now that he wasn't riding with seungcheol anymore he had to wake up even earlier to get to school on time using transit.

so there he was holding the handle, standing in the middle of the crowded bus. he had earphones in his ears, listening to music, trying to distract himself from the awful smell of the bus and the people around him. he really missed riding wit- no fuck that!!

he didn't miss anything about it

the bus moves along, stopping at different points. jeonghan feels a pang of regret for pulling away from seungcheol. it dawns on him that it's not just about the rides; it's the tangled mess he's created with jisoo and seokmin.

as more passengers board, jeonghan wonders if seungcheol noticed his absence or if their friendship is damaged beyond repair. guilt settles heavily on him, and he can't shake the desire for things to return to how they were.

lost in thought, jeonghan almost misses his stop. he hurriedly leaves the bus, weighed down by unresolved feelings. the school is in sight, and he senses he's stepping into a reality he can't control.

his phone buzzes with a new message, and he pulls it out of his pocket, half-expecting to see seungcheol's name. but it's seokmin, who's asking jeonghan to meet him at the library before class starts.

it had been two weeks since all of that happened and jeonghan was finally kicked out of the house to go to school, his mom and dad were sick of him staying in his room. within this isolation period he had been taking to some people one of those included seokmin, he would ask about jisoo from seokmin.

jeonghan walks into the school, he makes his way to the library. when he gets there, he sees seokmin sitting at the back, he sits in the chair next to him, "hi."

seokmin looks at him, "hey." he says, he grabs his backpack and starts packing up his stuff, "how's your first day back?" he asks him with a tiny smile to which jeonghan shrugs, "i haven't felt like puking or killing myself yet so i think thats a plus." seokmin only nods to that, he then lets out a tiny sigh.

"i'm gonna be honest i just needed an excuse to talk to you hyung."

jeonghan raises his brow, he doesn't say anything, he waits for seokmin to talk.

"jisoo hyung... he wants to talk to you. he really needs you." seokmin says,

jeonghan shakes his head, he looks down, "i don't want to talk to him.. i don't know what to say.." he says,

"it's okay, i'll be there with you. i'll help you talk to him." seokmin says, he gives jeonghan a small smile,

now this was starting to sound real familiar and he did not want the same history to repeat like how it did with seungcheol

jeonghan feels his shoulders tense up, "what if he tells me to fuck off?"

seokmin shakes his head, "he won't. i've been talking to him a lot these past 2 weeks and i know he really needs you. he's a mess right now, i've been trying my best to keep him happy but he just blanks out and i think he really needs his best friend back."

jeonghan is quiet for a while, he doesn't want to disappoint jisoo or seokmin, he lets out a sigh, "okay.. i'll talk to him." he mutters.

seokmin gives him a huge smile, he grabs his phone "cool, i'll call him down right now."

jeonghan's eyes widen, "w-wait what now? what about math class-?"

seokmin looks at him, "you have 10 minutes left, i'm sure we'll be done by then."

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