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as jeonghan tries his best to ignore the man standing beside him, his stare he could definitely feel on him. but his voice was too dominant to ignore, he feels himself roll his eyes as he hears seungcheol talking about some so called 'nerds' they won against lim jaebeom's football team.

now if there was anything jeonghan hated more than school it was seungcheol, there was just something about him that slammed the words cocky down his throat. not to mention jisoo had a huge crush on him in middle school and he was rejected horribly. jeonghan remembers it like it happened yesterday, he felt a chill go down his spine as he shakes the feeling off and instead looks at jisoo.

"we can leave if you want." he whispered

jisoo shrugged, "it's fine doubt he'd wanna sit with us anyway,"

"no no i insist, let's leave." jeonghan said with a gaping smile while jisoo sighed, once they were getting up they attracted the attention of seokmin, "ah- where are you both going hyung?" his voice had a saddening tone mixed with a bit of surprise, jeonghan looked at jisoo, they both shared a look, thinking of a valid excuse.

but before jeonghan could think of something seungcheol replied for them, "probably to get some dick," he had a smirk on his face that caused jeonghan to clench his fist

jeonghan's eyes narrowed, his temper flaring as he prepared a sharp retort. however, just as he was about to speak, jisoo swiftly intervened, placing a calming hand on jeonghan's shoulder. "we were just about to leave, we have to talk to mr.park, right jeonghan?" jisoo said diplomatically, diffusing the tension and redirecting the conversation away from confrontation. jeonghan let out a sigh and nodded,

"yeah, we're going to mr park's classroom." he enunciates his words as he stares at seungcheol he gives him a look before he grabs his back and he leaves with jisoo, seokmin and soonyoung look at each other, both sighing while seokmin had a frown on his face.

"they didn't even finish their bulgogi!" seokmin says in despair.


"for fucks sake, what is seongcheol's problem?" jeonghan mutters underneath his breath while jisoo just shrugs, "every hot guy has a problem with me, gosh." he jokingly says to which jeonghan gives him a look, he then sighs but finds himself smirking as he pokes his best friend's cheek lovingly,

jeonghan smirks, "maybe you just have a magnetic personality that's too hard for them to resist." jisoo rolls his eyes, "yeah, a magnetic personality that repels the ones i like." they both share a laugh, until jeonghan pauses,

"wait, you LIKE someone?" he looks at jisoo who is now avoiding eye contact, on purpose.

jisoo blushes, trying to play it off casually, "well, it's not like a big deal or anything. just a little crush." jeonghan raises an eyebrow, a surprise grin forming, "come on, spill the tea! who's the lucky guy?" jisoo hesitates before confessing, "promise not to get mad?"

jeonghan nods, he wasn't promising anything he just wanted to hear who it was.

"its........................................................... seungcheol, but don't make a big deal out of it, okay?" jeonghan's eyes widen with surprise, "YOU WHAT?" he chokes on his spit as he starts throwing a coughing fit jisoo looks around the hallway, kids were staring at them so jisoo grabs a hold of jeonghan's stomach and starts giving him the heimlich maneuver to which jeonghan pushes him off.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T GET MAD!" jisoo shouts while jeonghan looks at jisoo with disgust in his eyes, once he gets the hang of the coughing he looks at jisoo and raises his finger, "YOU- AFTER ALL HE-"

jisoo hits him on the back of his head with his phone, since thats the only thing he had with him.

"could you relax?!" he whispers, even though it was a whisper it was speaking volumes. jeonghan rubs his head, his frown worsening.

"do you not remember what he did? he lead you on for homework answers and then leaked your love letter around the school." jeonghan says with desperation, trying to get him to understand but jisoo only blankly stared at him, waiting for him to finish his rant so that he could say his piece.

"people change jeonghan, maybe you should try thinking that way too." he mumbles as he looks at his friend before the bell rings. he gives him a tiny smile.

"i got psych, see you later hannie!" he walks away leaving jeonghan flabbergasted.

meanwhile seokmin sees jeonghan in the hallway, he catches up to him and gives him a pat on the shoulder.

"hyung! jisoo hyung left his-"

before he could finish jeonghan presses his hands onto seokmin's shoulders looking at him with disparity.

"SHUT UP I NEED YOUR HELP." he shakes his shoulders.

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