Chapter 40: Welcome back, President!

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The curtain has fallen, as people might say. No, rather than falling, it closed off.

After Saki's words to the fallen Kushi were spoken Najimi clapped her hands. With that single gesture the screen in front of tge classroom cheased being a screen and returned to a simple school writting board.

Najimi:If this were a game, the ending theme would be playing right about now, but I haven't set up a system like that at all, so you're going to have to put up with my humming, instead. Congratulations, Kumagawa-kun. You're free to go now.

Way to sound extravagant. As sge pointed it already, he could have freed himself long ago if he so wished.

Najimi:I've once again managed to fulfill my goal, after all. It seems that your defeatism will go even this far. And I've managed to figure out why you want to stay at Suisou Academy, too. Why you want to stay, even if it's not a comfortable place to be at. Sukinasaki Saki.

So that was why she let Saki play in her little game. But why go so far as to let it all happen, even if it doesn't really change anything.

Kumagawa briefly entertained the idea that Najimi might be jelous because he started spending time with another girl. Even if that was the case, there's no way Najimi would ever admit it, no matter how much he'd probe about it.

Najimi:That girl is certainly a problem. No, it's not her skill, Error Message Plate, that's the problem, most definitely not. A skill like that won't be able to defeat me. It wouldn't be all that frightening, if it were just the skill itself. But that girl and the way she uses that skill could pose a pretty big threat. To the point that I might even feel a sense of danger from it. Doesn't it seem like things will get interesting?

Certainly, he wanted to see how Saki would deal with this himself. A social experiment, so to speak.

Najimi:To be honest, I wanted to kick you out of Suisou Academy immediately, but out of consideration for her, I'll postpone those plans. I ended up wanting to see what would happen. Not that farce that occurred during Stage 2. When Kumagawa Misogi and Sukinasaki Saki face off for real, how will it end? That's what I want to see. Although, that's only if Sukinasaki-san is willing to show it to me.

Ah, yes. Kumagawa knew such a possibility was likely.

That was another reason for doing this, to see her real abilities. Well, he already has a countermeasure planned.

Najimi:Ah, yes, well, I didn't really expect that things would turn out this way, so I never prepared any sort of prize for clearing the game, but since it came to this, go and ask Sukinasaki-san if she wants anything, okay? I'll naturally give her the Fool's Katana as a present, giving it the name of Sakkihime, but I'm sure there will be some other special perks that she desires.

Najimi turned to see Kumagawa again after saying that. Oh, he already erased the effects of Error Message Plate on the him inside this classroom the two of them shared.

Kumagawa:Does that mean you'd be willing to listen to what I want?

Najimi:Eh? No, I'm not going to grant any of your wishes. It's for Sukinasaki-san only. Since I did some pretty mean things to her in the end, anything is fine. Even something as absurd as wanting to become an idol...

That whole game thing was finally over with, leaving Saki free for the weekend. As a new day of school arised she entered the Student Council office for a new day of completing her duties.


Kumagawa stood there with a card on his forhead, frozen like a statue. She completly forgot about that.

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