Chapter 9:The first level is alwais a simulatio

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It was a really quite day for Yuuki. She wonders what Kumagawa was doing right now.

In the manga it just showed how Kumagawa became Suisou's President and the fight with Saki, but didn't show what has happened in between those times. However, she's sure her baby boy will be just fine.

Yuuki:You're kidding...The old man wasn't Zangetsu this whole time!?

Even in this life, her appreciation for managa and anime hadn't died. She was lucky that the world of Medaka Box acknowglede other series like Bleach or Dragon Ball.

She'd like to watch those episodes with Kumagawa. However, he probably wouldn't be interesed.

She's sure he already knows what'll happen next because he finished the manga. Besides, Kumagawa is a fan of manga and not anime.

While Kumagawa did admit that some times anime can visualize things better than the manga, he still prefers managa. He also voiced out that those times were extremly rare.

Speaking of the devil, her phone began to ring. Picking it up sge answered her son's call.

Yuuki:Hey, sweetie! Is there something wrong?

Kumagawa:[No, mom. I just wanted to tell you I might come home later than usual.]

Yuuki:Oh? Alright. Well, the dinner will still be made when you cone regardless. I found some really good wagyu at the supermarket.

Kumagawa:[Cool! By the way, do you know a way through which anyone can cheat at Russian Roulette?]

Yuuki:I, uh...Not really. Why?

Kumagawa:[Nothing important. Love you, bye!]

Saki watched as Kumagawa ended the call, a revolver resting in her hands. While it's near impossible to determine Kumagawa's real mood, he alwais seems to be genuinly happy when he talks with his mother.

Uchi handed them her revolver to figure out a conquest strategy for Russian Roulette. Well, she gave Kumagawa her revolver, but then he just told Saki to carry it for him.

She'd really like if he stopped acting like she was his personal assistant meant to carry things around for him. However, she also knew that was probably too much to ask.

Regardless, it was currently four PM and the school closed at six PM. Uchi had given them time to come up with a strategy until the end of the school day, which left them with two hours.

She also said if they didn't succed she won't give Kumagawa the message from this Anshin'in-san both were talking about, no matter how much she was threatened. Although Saki thinks that Uchi had raised a really dangerous flag when saying that to Kumagawa of all people.

Kumagawa:[About the Mona Lisa. You know about it, right, Saki-chan?]

SakiUm, well...Yeah, if the Mona Lisa that you're talking about is referring to the painting made by Leonardo da Vinci, then I do know about it...But I only know about it a little bit. Really, it's only a little."

Kumagawa:[I have no objections to the fact that it's a masterpiece that will remain in history. I'm not the kind of guy to raise quibbles against an all-around genius. But it gets the attention of a contrarian like me for a reason much more beautiful and brilliant.]

Saki:A much more beautiful and brilliant reason...What could that be?

Kumagawa:[The fact that it's on display at the Louvre Museum. Whether it's a painting or a person, they each have their own suitable environments to be displayed in, but it doesn't seem like Teppou-chan is the type of student that shines here at Suisou Academy. Don't you think she has the kind of talent that would shine in a different environment?]

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