Chapter 1:Damn, I'm just build different

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What lives must also die. Death may come at any time in your life. Especially when you least expect it.

Like having an heart attack, chocking on food, falling in the bathroom...Or being crashed by a truck.

Such a thing did happen to an certain woman. Did she try to save a kid like in one of those generic isekai stories? That would've been nice, wouldn't it? But no!

She was just minding her own business in a cafe after a hard day, just drinking her black cofee in peace. Than a speeding truck derived from it's course and crashed into her.

She can only guess the driver had paid fir his driving license. She hopes they are just in as much pain as she is.

On that note, she like to note that those isekai stories are all lies! Being crushed by a speeding truck is not in any way a quick death! She can feel her bones poking through her body despise already being in an immense pain!

What did she do to deserve this? She didn't really vause any trouble and was an productive member of society.

Sure, she thinks that society sucks. But that's just something that everyone has to accept in their lives.

Which means this accident wasn't because of some divine retribution or an lesson learned, it was just an acvident. She swears if she survives this she'll truly embrace the way of sunglasses nihilism.

That's probably not something someone would think in their last moments. To be fair, she was pretty weird in some cases.

She greatly enjoyed manga lije the ones in Shounen Jump even while an adult with an working job. Well, she doesn't believe she's the only one.

If she'd have to name her lreferate author, than that'd be Nosio Isin. She swears, that man's a genius in writing.

Slowly she finally began to close her eyes, the pain in the end coming to a stop. When she opened them again she had seen an hospital room and she now undoubitably was laid on a hospital bed.

Did she actually survive. Well, time to embrace the sunglasses nihilism. She alwais makes good om her promises.

The woman had a beatiful face paired with her purple eyes who gave her an interesting kind of allure. Her hair was cut to her shoulders being black on outside and dyed purple on the inside. Her name was currectly Kumagawa Yuuki.

Although, she didn't know if she was actually saved

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Although, she didn't know if she was actually saved. Maybe they managed to stabilize her, but she has very little time left to live?

She doesn't really know if that's an actual thing. She's an office slave, not an doctor.

She turned her head when she heard the door let out a creack sound as an doctor, an old man, had walked in. Finally, she can have some answers about her current health.

Yuuki:Give it straight to me, doc.

Doctor:Kumagawa-san...Congratulations, you have an healthy baby boy!

Yuuki was many things through her life, an sarcastic bitch specifically when she was in a bad mood. Right now, she was confusion.

How? When? What? And most importantly...With whom!?

Yuuki was very certain you can't get pregnant with a truck. Hell, she's still a virgin. She was never even in an romantic relationship.

Her work was too tiring to think about having an boyfriend. That and people suck.

Although, she won't lie. She fid think in the past of how would be to be a mother.

Both of her parents were great, really. That lead her to wounder from when she was a kid how it'd feel...To have a child of her own?

But how did this happen it's still the main priority. Having run out of logical answers, she began to turn to the absurd.

Wait...Don't tell her...Oh shit! She's been reincarnated, hasn't she?

Well, now this is a turn around. She just hopes her supppsed husband was an decent man.


Yuuki:Huh? What is it?

Doctor:I can't really put my finger on it, but I feel like there's just... Something off about the kid.

Yuuki:What are you on about? Just let me see my child.

Doctor:Oh, yes!

The doctor left for a bit and returned with a baby. The baby was pale in skin and had an equally white hair. Coupled with the wgite cloth he was enveloped in, the child might be called colorless if not for his bright blue eyes which held an certain...Emptiness.

While she wasn't a doctor, she knew children usually cry or laugh when they are brought in the world, yet her boy held an blank expression. Now she knows were the doctor was coming from, yet she wasn't unerved by it even a bit. In fact, she thought he had his own charm to him that way, while empty his eyes were an wonder to look into. Wait...

Yuuki:...Doc? What was the name of this hospital again?

Doctor:Hm? Hakoniwa General Hospital? Anyway, there's another thing I wanted to get into when I said that. As you can see, your child is an albino. Now, albinism might be regarded as an sickness, but I assure you it's nothing life threatening or dangerous. It's just that...Albinism does come with an physical weakness, yet this boy is unaturally healthy for an albino.

White hair...Void-like blue eyes... Hakoniwa General Hospital...He said that now her family name is Kumagawa...She was reincarnated...

Yuuki:Or abnormal...

Everything finally fell into place. Holy Anshin'in-san, she just gave birth to the world's Strongest Minus!

Doctor:Hm, yes. I suppose that's also an goid word to describe it.

Yuuki:Doc, can you leave? I'm kind of tired and want to spend some mother-son bonding time.

Doctor:Oh! Yes, of course! Ah, before I forget. What name have you choosen for him?

Yuuki:Misogi...His name is Kumagawa Misogi!

Doctor:Ah! A fine name, indeed!

As the doctor left she stared again in the baby's almost hypnotizing eyes which held no sort of judgement or bias. The little extended his frail little arms and hugged her by the neck.

Yuuki:Awww! Just look at you! Don't listen whta those haters might say to you, you're not some evil being! You just need someone to love and understand you! Who's a cute little pararell to an overachieving protagonist, but is much more likeable than her? You are! Yes, you are!

Yuuki continued to coo at her new born. She has to admit, she thought kid Kumagawa was cute when she read that flashback, but he's even cuter as a baby!

Yuuki:I'm not gonna lie, your life isn't gonna be easy. But it doesn't matter what happens, you alwais stand up with a smile on your face. You're gonna be a real lady killer too! Although from your choices through the series, you probably have a thing for red eyes. But don't worry! No matter what happens, mom's alwais gonna be on your side.

The little Kumagawa's lips began to form a smile. A smile she knew that, unlike most along Medaka Box, was genuine.

Yuuki began recounting what happened her on a short period. She got killed by a shitty truck driver, got reincarnated and became the mother of one of tge top beings of one of the most powerful verses.

Yuuki:Damn, I'm just build different.

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