Start from the beginning

"And what about you, what do you bring to the table?" Maestro asked, motioning to my gear and appearance. "What is it that you do to support the team?"

"My- uh- Eye of Darkness, it's basically a giant emp, it's less controlled than say Thatcher's," I explained only for Adriano to cut me off.

"No-No-No, I am asking what you bring to the table, mio amico," Maestro hooked his arm around my neck and waved his other arm at the others who were busy minding their business. "You see everyone in Rainbow has something they provide other than just their skills and tools, their mindset- Their beliefs!"

He smelled of cigars and cheap cologne, but I did take what he said into consideration. What beliefs, or 'mind' do I bring into the equation, why did Rainbow want me specifically besides my physical skill?

Nevertheless, I had a job to do. I needed to pull out on top of this firefight; I signaled to McKinley to head downstairs and I would follow. He nodded and we made our separate ways down.


The automated voice announced through my earpiece, suddenly I could hear shotgun blasts tearing down the front door as a myriad of footsteps shuffled into the building. I held out in a side room, no clue where Warden was hiding but hopefully, he would pull around.

Stalking through the halls like a wolf hunting prey, the only difference was that they weren't prey. Neither was I.

Listening closely to their footsteps, I watched them move past the room I was in out of sheer luck. I spotted McKinley in the room across from me, they were closing in on him. Without much other options, I tossed one of my smoke canisters down at their feet.

"What the...?!" The attackers spun around to where I threw it only to have the canister erupt right below them.

Gunfire erupted. Like drums, it pounded against the air.

With the howl of a wolf I sprinted into the smoke and tackled the first person I made contact with. They were bulky, arms the size of tree trunks but I caught them off guard. As I came out on the other side, I was able to get a clear look at who I grabbed: Lion.

He swung his elbow against my jaw, with a loud crack. Disoriented, he was able to take the chance and grab his rifle, I held down his arm as he held down the trigger. His rounds bounced against the floor, the smoke was beginning to dissipate.

"Come on, McKinely, fucking do something!" I screamed as I maneuvered to hold Lion's arm while he just let loose on the trigger. I yanked his arm and had him swing his rifle through the smoke, hearing a variety of cursing as a response.

They were hit, but not out yet. I looked back and elbowed Lion's face, cracking his visor and knocking him out. I scrambled onto my feet and sprinted up the steps, Maestro had been watching from his evil eye.

I found some cover to hide behind, looking over I spotted Tina watching the east stairwell. "Focus Up!" She shouted as she opened fire, suddenly the floor around her began to erupt as Buck blasted a new sightline.

I aimed down my sights and began firing where I thought Buck would be, slugs blasting through the wooden floor in response to every buckshot from him. "Mozzie!" I shouted for him, "Whoever kills Buck, the loser has to buy shots!"

"You're fucking on, Mate!" I hear his cackle as he sprinted out from his spot and vaulted over the staircase railing. I reloaded and kept firing, spinning around to the evil eye's staircase and finding Thermite planting a charge on a wall.

Deep breath. Squeeze the trigger. Headshot.

Lion. Thermite. Buck. Two were left, Nokk and Thatcher.

A veteran operative, and the elusive one. Who know where they were.


"Fuck..." I mumbled, looking to Tina and she nodded for me to go back on the roam. "ETA-10, going Dark..." I announced on the defender comms as I charged up my E.O.D. and released an EMP, plunging the kill house into darkness.

I flipped on my NVGs and navigated through the shadows, sticking close to the walls to avoid my silhouette being given away. Slow and steady wins the race. This was the way I was taught, that sometimes action requires an influence.

I took my Bearing-9 off my side and tossed it down the hall, causing gunfire to erupt from a separate source. "Bingo..." I mumbled, creeping up to the doorway I peeked my head in, only to have a fist thrown in my face.

"Nice tricks, but you're still a trainee!" An aggressive British voice yelled at me as I quickly rolled out of the way of more gunfire. "How'd a muppet like you get into Rainbow?"

"I don't know...I look nice?" I joked as I swept his legs, lunging at him and wrestling him to try and win this fight. He eventually got me in a headlock, trying to choke me out, I struggled and kicked my feet, trying to reach my shotgun.

"It takes a lot more than a fancy tool to get into Rainbow son, it takes smarts..." He reminded me. "And guts!"

I reached back and snatched his sidearm, "how's this for guts?" I remarked as I pointed his handgun at his face.

"Fuckin Hell-" He groaned as I pulled the trigger, knocking him out with the Sim-Round. The power returned to the building, letting me get back up and brush myself off. Picking up my shotgun, I checked comms with the others only to get no response other than:


"Bruh." I groaned, picking up pace and heading up the steps to the third floor where the 'bombs' were. Watching my corners, I carefully entered the first room, training my sight's reticle on where she could come out from. "Come out...Come out," I taunted.

She wasn't in this room, neither was the defuser. Had to be the B-Bomb. Looking at both sides before crossing the hall I entered the second room, there it was, perfectly presented in the center of the room. "This has to be a trap," I remarked, lowering my gun.

"Yeah, you're right." Her voice spoke from above, looking up Nokk hung from the rafters of the room before dropping on top of me. She locked her legs around my head and pulled me around like a rodeo bull – throwing hits against my head before I slammed her down against a table.

I held her back with one arm as I tried to reach for my Bearing-9, unfortunately, she saw and twisted her body to slam me into the floor. She sat ontop of my chest, her knees catching my head in between with a D-50 pointed at my head. "Nice moves, mine were better." She taunted before pulling the trigger.


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