Chapter 7

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With this new established alliance with Darcy's team, there was more confidence radiating from our team. It gave us hope that we actually had a chance to win, despite Imogen's team's malicious tactics. The biggest job now was to not get caught in the act because it was certain that we would be called out for it.

Numbers 2 and 5 were called out. From our team me and Emily went out, Alexa and Grace went out and Mary and Imogen went out. This was going to be an absolute bloodbath. All the best people were out this round, anyone could win. We were hoping it would be anyone but Imogen's team.

As I looked around I noticed that Grace signalled the number 5 with her hand meaning that she wanted us to work together and hit team 5's bench. I also discreetly signalled the number 5 as a way of saying I'm on board. I went over and told Emily what the plan was and headed for the ball, just managing to get to it first.

Alexa and Grace kept some distance but not too much to make it look suspicious. They stayed close enough to ensure Mary stays away from me. It all went smoothly and I managed to hit team 5's bench. Team 5 has 2 lives left so our aim is to get any other teams out and then work together against Imogen's team.

Once that happens we would go against each other one on one fairly. No cheating, no shoving, just playing normally.

The next two round's consisted of us and team 4 going against team 5, in the end we eliminated them. Our overall goal is to eliminate teams 1 and 6 so that it's our team and team 4 against team 2. I just hope that we don't get eliminated before that plan can fully commence.

For the next few minutes we focused on eliminating the two teams and succeeded. The only step now was to eliminate Imogen's team. For our team me and Emily went out and for team 4 grace and Alexa went out again. Mary got to the ball first but that didn't last long when Grace hit it away from her. I ran for the ball with Alexa near me as support.

With Grace blocking Imogen I was able to successfully hit their bench. That's when they caught on.

"You're fucking cheating" Imogen began yelling as she made her way over to us, Megan following her.

"How are we cheating?" I tried to stay calm in an attempt to not escalate the situation.

"Both of you are teaming up" she continues with the same tone. She's being dramatic now, she was the one who began cheating first.

"You've been cheating the whole time!" Darcy adds to the heated conversation.

Megan gets all up in my face, why? I have no idea. She's about an inch smaller than me so she's not at all intimidating, no matter how hard she tries to be.

"You're so fucking annoying"she whispers in my ear, just loud enough for me to hear. How would she know that if I've never even spoken to her.

I pushed her away from me, no longer liking the lack of distance between us. Clearly she didn't appreciate that at all with how quick she responded back to it.

"What the fuck" and with that she shoved me as well. Then she pushed me again, as if to try get the last action as a way to assert dominance over me. Not happening. Just because I'm short doesn't mean i can just get walked all over.

"Calm your ass down, you're the one who came over to me first. No need to act like the victim now." She was honestly pissing me off, she waltzed over to me to belittle me but now that I'm actually talking back to her she's flipped the switch.

For some odd reason Imogen came over to back her up. She shoved me away from Megan. What the fuck, did that little make out session actually mean fuck all. She's done a full 180. As a response to her action Grace came over to back me up along with Alexa. Now we look like we're about to have a brawl like you see in tv series'.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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