Chapter 4

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Thursday went by fast and before I knew it , it was Friday. I love Friday's , it's the last day of the week, and I have the best lessons that day. I love pe so Friday's are the only day I'm ever looking forward to.

I made my way to my science class and sat next to Tia. She was too busy looking at Leon to notice.

"Earth to Tia". I say, while waving my hands in her face.

"What do you want" she groans.

"You're so dramatic sometimes"

"It's not my fault you're lovesick" I tease.

Her face turns bright red. It's so easy to embarrass her.

"I'm not lovesick, who told you that. Was it Clarissa because if it was she was obviously lying." She mumbles continuously.

"Chill out Tia, it's just a joke, I saw you eyeing Leon over there. I smirk

"Whatever" she says, ending the topic.

• • •

I had English next, I was expecting to sit next to Tia but turns out our teacher changed the seating plan. That just made English even worse. I'm now sat next to Darcy. She's not too bad but she's not the best, and we never talk to each other as well.

The whole lesson just consisted of silence and quiet mumbles of thank you now and then.

Break arrived and I couldn't wait. I was hungry after all. Break is short so I just stuff my food in my mouth and join the conversation.

• • •

I don't mind maths, even though I'm quite bad at it. Tia doesn't even bother in maths anymore, she just waits for me to answer the questions and then copies my answers.

It's alright because we're friends but if we weren't I wouldn't allow it.

We started packing up and rushed out the classroom to eat lunch.

Lunch is about half an hour long which in my opinion isn't long enough if I don't want indigestion.

We all sat down in our usual seats and started our conversation.

Me, Addie and Clarissa were having a debate on who the hottest character is from tvd. "No I actually think Elijah is hotter than-"

"Guys guess what Caleb said" Janice added while rudely interrupting Addie.

"Sorry, Addie but guess what he said"

"Oh, it's ok, what did he say?"Addie says, trying to be friendly even though me and Clarissa could tell she was fed up of getting cut off when talking.

"We was at mine talking and he literally called me fat, like who do you think you are ?!".

Janice is always going on about her boyfriend, that is pretty much her life. All we know about her is she's Welsh, has a boyfriend called Caleb and she's about 5'2. All she talks about is Caleb and it's so boring to hear at this point. Like I get it, you have a boyfriend, no one fucking cares anymore.

"You deserve someone better that him Janice, you should just break up with him." Addie suggest.

"Ummm, I don't know, maybe" Aimee replies. What the fuck does that mean. We try and give Janice advice all the time to shut her up but she never listens, if he treats her that badly then just get rid of him. She talks bad about him all the time but then expects us to like him.

All I ever hear about him is "he called me fat, he's texting other girls, he left me on read" like no one cares anymore. Either break up with him or stop complaining.

• • •

Me, Janice, Clarissa and Tia made our way to pe while Alexa and Addie had history. I think Miru said she has science since she took triple science which i still to this day don't understand why she would torture herself like that.

There is about 58 girls in our pe group, some of the animalistic girls whose only goal is winning, the coronary heart disease group, the lazy ones that sit on their ass ,literally, and think the teacher won't know, then me who loves pe but I don't care if I lose and I'm not spiteful either.

We were allowed to chose our own teams for basketball, in total there were 6 teams. 2 teams play against each other while the other 4 watch till it's over. Playing is fun but it's about 10% playing and 90% sitting there watching other people play.

It was our team first against one of the groups that are nice , but honestly don't give a shit about pe. We decided to play rock, paper, scissors to determine which team wears the bibs. No one wants the bibs. They hang on you like a dress and smell like body odour.some of them have holes and visible dirt. I guarantee in all my 4 years being here they have never been washed.

I decided to go against the other Ashleigh in our pe, I chose rock and she chose scissors. I have genuinely never been so happy in my life. The joy was definitely visible on my face. All I said in that moment was "YESSSSSS, omg thank god we don't have to wear the bibs". I was jumping up and down, a bit dramatic I know, but at that moment it was perfectly reasonable.

We began with the ball in the middle, our team got it first and headed down the court. I ran down the court, near the hoop. Clarissa threw the ball to me and I attempted to shoot. The ball balanced on the rim of the hoop then eventually went in.

The game consisted of us going back and forth. It ended 6-3 with us winning.

As I sat back down on the bench,my head on the wall, heavily breathing, I felt eyes on me.

From my peripheral view I could tell it was Imogen. Ava's head was resting on her shoulder. Their group seems to always be quite touchy with each other. All of them are straight and possibly even homophobic but yet they act as if they have been intimate before.

For example last pe lesson, Megan had her head lying on Imogen's lap. Maybe they're all in a secret polyamorous relationship, who knows?

When I made contact with her , she was no longer watching me. I let my eyes linger for a little while longer than I should have, but I couldn't help but admire her features. Her ocean blue eyes, olive toned skin, her thick blonde hair with brown at the roots.

She was perfect.

Ok what the fuck is wrong with me to think that. Maybe I have the flu.

I finally stopped practically eye fucking her and started to focus on the game being played. It didn't last long when Tia started talking to me.

"I actually love this song" Tia practically yelled over the speaker.

"Of course you do, it's by Taylor Swift. She could hum a melody and you would play it on repeat" was all I could say.

"That's because Taylor Swift is a queen" she stated matter of factly.

"Didn't she sing that song that was like 'I came in like a wrecking ball'?" Clarissa adds in.

"What the fuck bitch no, that's Miley Cyrus. How could you not know that?!"

Clarissa began to roll her eyes, " I'm not a stalker like you, I don't know her whole life."

"I'm not a stalker, I've just taken an interest in the amazing woman's life. There's a difference."

"Mhm, sure" Clarissa says.

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