Chapter 1

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"So what lessons do you have Ashlee?" Clarissa says to me as she sits down despite being late for tutor.

I take out my timetable and read it. "Double science first."

"That's shit, sucks for you." She adds as she giggles slightly.

"Stop being such a twat, Clarissa." Addie says , knowing it will piss her off.

Addie and Clarissa are twins, although at first glance it's hard to notice. Their personalities are the complete opposite and they look nothing alike. It's quite rare for twins to have the same friends but they don't seem to mind it too much. Clarissa is loud and comes off as aggressive but she's actually just overly hyper. Addie is seen as calm and quiet but if you push her over the limit she is fucking scary. Addie uses the fact that she was born 2 hours and 43 minutes as an excuse to boss Clarissa around.

The bell rings and we grab our bags to go to our lessons.

"See you guys at break" I yell, a bit too loud.

"Have fun in science" Clarissa sarcastically says with a huge grin on her face that would be impossible to hide.

"Fuck you" I bite back.

She knows I hate science and that's what she loves even more.

"See you at break you nerd" Addie says as she walks to the detention since she's forgotten her pe kit. Which she definitely did on purpose.

• • •

I head to our usual meet up spot for break and notice that Miru and Tia are already there along with Alexa. They all had Geography so were the quickest to get here.

"Hey Ashlee , how are you" Miru says with curiosity.

"She's obviously shit, I mean she had  double science first. It couldn't be any worse for her" Tia says, snickering as always.

"Oh shut up Tia."

"Stop being such a tight ass, Tia." Alexa says. She's like the mum of the group, she always sticks up for each of us when one of us it bitchy.

We all continue our overlapping conversations until the end of break.

• • •

"For fuck sake, we have pe now." Tia moans.

"It's fucking miserable." Miru adds.

"Pe is actually shit." Clarissa yells.

"I know." Addie and Alexa both say.

"It's not even bad, stop being twats all of you and hurry up. We're gonna be late at this rate." I bite back. I love pe but everyone else in my friend group hates it.

Everyone lines up in front of the sports hall and replies to their names being called out from the register. They then begin to walk into both the changing rooms.

I undo my short maroon tie and pull it out from under my collar. Then I undo my shirt buttons, revealing part of my bra and stomach. I take off my shirt leaving my top half exposed and replace it with my pe top. I put my shorts on underneath my pencil skirt to make sure nothing is revealed. Then unzip the back of my skirt and take it off. I put my long , dark brown hair -which reaches to the top of my butt- into a ponytail, and take off any jewellery.

We head to the courts to play netball. I used to do competitions in primary, so this is my favourite sport.

We were put into teams by the teacher and began our matches. I had Imogen in my team, which I couldn't decide whether it was a bad or good thing. She known to be very aggressive and very powerful, when we play dodge ball everyone flinches when she throws the ball smashing it into the wall. The other team got the ball, as Imogen ran to grab it, she knocked one of the other players to the ground.

At one point I had the chance to throw the ball to her but I hesitate, I don't know why , but I did. I threw it to Evelina instead. We made eye contact during that, I think it offended her a bit seeming as I hadn't passed to her the whole game.

• • •

We continue with the second part of the lesson by going to the gym and playing bench-ball.

As I finally got on the bench, one of Imogen's friends, Ava, throws one of the balls at the side of my cheek. I instinctively turned my head to look at her lying on the bench snickering with some of her other friends. There wasn't a hint of remorse for what she had done. No apology. Nothing. I decided to just ignore it, despite the numb sting on the side of my face. She then threw a ball at me again, this time it skimmed the top of my head. I still just did nothing about it, because I knew that if I confronted her, she could ruin my life forever.

Everyone else was too busy defending our bench to notice what was happening. It infuriated me how easy of a target she thought I was. Her and everyone else think I'm a pushover just because I'm a bit more quiet then they are.

The game ended. I was quite out of it for the majority after Ava's stunt. At that moment I just swore under my breath, to stop myself from walking up to her and punching her. It wouldn't end well if I did. Her "gang" friends would have destroyed me instantly.

One thing that me and Imogen do have in common is that we are both very athletic.

The only lesson we have together is pe, so we only see each other two lessons per week.

She - and the rest of her friend group - get changed in the other changing room. No one else changes in there. In a way it's their changing room. If I walked in one day, they'd probably give me dirty looks wondering why I'm in "their" changing room.

Their whole friendship group is full of bitches. They give people dirty looks without even trying to hide it.

I wish that one day someone would stand up to them and shut them up for good.

Imogen is one of the more calm people in the group,looks nice, but she's one of the worst.

A/N it's my first story so let me know how it is and what stories you would like to see next.

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