103. - So I DIDN'T kill that Kitsune After all?!?

Start from the beginning

This man in the suit, was a highly dangerous man. He was known by many titles in his time - however, the only one that really mattered and he accepted was his title within the organisation...
"Forbidden Fool" - the strongest of the 8 Harbingers of Tritery.

Suddenly, another person entered the room - a female with lifeless look in her eyes, as well as a white porcelain mask covering her face.
For a bit, it was silence, as the female approached the man in the suit, before eventually she stood by his side, staring through the window as well.

[Dinyu] "So tell me, what brings you here Vivianne?"

The man in the suit stated.
The female that had entered the room was the 3rd most powerful Harbinger of Tritery - within the organisation she was known as 'The Puppet'. This title was granted to her, due to her extraordinary control and skill over 'Puppetry Magic' and 'Voodoo'.

[Vivianne] "Can't I check in on how my colleagues are doing?"

Dinyu remained silent for a bit, before chuckling.

[Dinyu] "I'm sorry, but if you think that I'd believe a psychopathic woman like you would have such an innocent motive, then maybe you should lower your expectations."

He replied, before turning to face the woman.

[Dinyu] "Is this about the Heroes Party?"

Vivianne didn't reply at first, however after a bit, she nodded in response.

[Vivianne] "Indeed. I heard that they have left the Holy Capital and headed off across the country."

She replied, turning her head slightly towards Dinyu. The man upon hearing this, raised an eyebrow towards her.

[Dinyu] "Oho? So the Holy Capital has finally decided to let their little pets run free?"

[Vivianne] "Not exactly... As far as I understand, they apparently have enchanted items on them, which allow the Holy Church to keep an eye on them at all times."

Vivianne stated as Dinyu turned around and walked over to a fancy chair, before sitting down and picking up a cup of tea that had been sitting on a small round table by the chair.

[Dinyu] "I see..."

He replied, sipping the tea before placing it back down onto the small round table.

[Dinyu] "I assume you have more to say than this? Surely you didn't come here to inform me of something I already know."

Vivianne shook her head in denial.

[Vivianne] "You're right, there's more. Apparently..."

She began, approaching the seated man.

[Vivianne] "Apparently Olhade has decided to personally go and take care of the Heroes Party while he can."

Upon hearing this, Dinyu pulled his right hand into a tight fist, before his whole body trembled lightly.
Afterwards, he let out a small laugh.

[Dinyu] "Ahahah... You're joking - Right?"

[Vivianne] "You know I don't have a sense of humour - I can't make jokes."

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