Author's note

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Okay, now I'm posting this before chapter two comes out because there will be at least two time skips and I want to clarify some things for you guys. The first thing I need to explain is the situation with Kijin, the Jubi, and how it's sealed in my two OCs, Serge and Asuko Kasis, as well as the identity of Kaguya Otsutsuki's third child.

Although I only mentioned Kijin in the prologue, Serge had him at that time. I know there will be people in the comments saying things like "She can't hold the ten-tails without the Rinnegan" or "She's too overpowered." However, this is a fanfic and specifically my fanfic, so if you don't like it, don't read it.

Now, let's start with Kaguya Otsutsuki and the entire Otsutsuki clan in general. In my story, the Otsutsuki clan are humans with unique features due to prolonged exposure to the Divine Tree's energy. The Otsutsuki clan has always had white hair, and their pale complexion is due to their preference for hiding from the rest of the world that doesn't accept them. The Otsutsuki have Doujutsu because being near the Divine Tree for so long altered their bodies. When the changes became noticeable, others started to avoid them out of fear. Some even tried to kill them, causing them all to retreat from the outside world and keep the mountain range where they lived a secret. The Divine Tree had caused such drastic changes that the Otsutsuki decided that one of them would become the Tree's guardian as they didn't want others to use it for war. They weren't sure if the effects would kill others. 

(A/N: The Divine tree is like the world tree from Norse myth, except it isn't connected to the world in a way that if it were destroyed, then the world would still be in one piece. It's a test from Kami, and the test is to see what humans will do with that much power at their disposal.)

Even before Kaguya became the tree's guardian, she was always told that it was too dangerous for her to leave the safety of the mountains. Kaguya was lonely as a guardian but was never bothered by that fact. After a week of becoming its guardian, the tree gave off a strange aura that would manifest into an animal of some sort based on the strongest emotions near it. For example, playfulness and trickery would manifest as a fox. The Divine Tree seemed to have an unknown entity that later became Kijin. As for the Zetsu, they were another thing that the Divine Tree created for Kaguya so she wouldn't be lonely.

One time, Kaguya decided to break the rules and go beyond her mountain home, and we all know what happens after that, only if you have finished Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden. So she did have Hagoromo and Hamura, but she did have a third child, Leketa Otsutsuki. Everything up to Kaguya being sealed in the moon is the same, except because I'm making the Otsutsuki clan human, Kaguya will be sealed in a hidden temple underground, and Lekta will also have a huge effect on the Buji. As a child, she had cut off ten pieces of dead bark from the Divine Tree following her instincts and the odd aura coming from said tree. Because she is Kaguya's daughter, she broke that now useless rule and met Therin, a demon-kin. 

The demon-kin is a human-like clan with animalistic instincts and features, along with something much darker, their mirror. The mirror is a reversed form of the demon-kin. Think of Menma and Naruto. This "mirror" only takes over when the demon-kin's life is in danger, turning them into something neither human nor animal, a true demon.

After Kaguya was separated from the tree and sealed deep under the earth, the Jubi was sealed in Hagoromo like normal. Leketa changed her last name to "Kyris" and married Therin, finding a place to live and taking in anybody no matter whether they were human or not. When Hagoromo reached the end of his life, things stayed the same in canon for him up to now. Leketa had come to see one of her brothers one last time and requested to become the Jubi's second Jinchuriki explaining that it should be given a second chance.

Skipping to the current timeline, Kijin's chakra and soul have been split and sealed in Serge and Asuko. Kijin changed over time from Leketa to her descendants through a special seal, and those ten pieces of dead bark act as a temporary vessel for each Buji. If you cut down a tree but leave the stump behind, then a new tree will grow. That is the best way to explain it. The Buji's soul must remain in the carved statues for an extended period without giving in to the lingering chaos. Currently, Kijin's physical body is hidden.

As for Orochimaru, he had his mind shattered by Sashi Otsutsuki, the younger brother of Kaguya, Sashi only did that to Orchimaru because he was protecting members of Leketa's clan, Orochimaru was able to sever a part of his soul so he could watch over Serge and Asuko for a short time as the Kasis clan members had almost disappeared after the Otsutsuki's raid that had happened when Serge was only one.

The Kasis clan has ties to other clans, due to war and others going rogue.

That's it for now, I'm going to make my characters suffer next chapter you have been warned.

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