Chapter 12: Is This a Date?!

Start from the beginning

Kate sighed. "It must be nice to have a good boyfriend, I'm jealous."

"I'm sure you'll find the right one soon" Megan said.

Reeka hadn't said a word the entire conversation. The girls looked at her and saw she was lost in thought.

"Reeka? Hey, you in there?" Kate asked.

Reeka snapped out of her trance. "Hm? What?"

"You think Kate will find the right guy for her soon?" Megan asked.

"Oh um, y-yeah I'm sure you will" Reeka said nervously.

"You don't sound very sure" Kate teased.

"Her mind is somewhere else" Barbara said bluntly.

"Oh? What's on your mind then?" Kate asked with genuine curiosity.

Before she could answer, the girls heard the guys celebrating. They looked up and saw the big tv displaying two fighting characters with a victory banner above them. They saw Jaydin and Evan high fiving each other while Matt and Tom slumped down.

"They certainly seem to be enjoying themselves" Megan said.

"Boys will be boys" Ameri said.

"Y'know, maybe one of them would be a good guy to date" Kate said.

"Evan has a girlfriend though, and I heard there's talks of marriage on the horizon" Megan said.

"So I guess that just leaves Matt and Tom" Kate said. "Maybe even Jaydin."

Reeka seemed to straighten up upon hearing Jaydin's name.

"True, Jaydin is a pretty incredible guy, not to mention incredibly handsome and smart" Nori said.

"And super kind" Barbra added.

"Maybe I'll ask him out then" Kate said.

"N-No!" Reeka blurted out without warning.

All the girls looked at her with surprise.

"No? How come?" Kate asked.

Reeka started to panic but thought of something. "H-He's pretty dense about stuff like that, so he probably wouldn't understand what you'd be asking him."

"That makes sense actually, I've seen him with a confused look on his face when we all binged that romantic anime series last week" Ameri said.

"They live together, so Reeka knows him better than any of us" Barbara said.

Kate sighed again. "Well, I guess I'll reluctantly pass on Jaydin then."

Upon hearing that, Reeka lightly sighed with relief.

Their Pokémon joined them, holding drinks for them and themselves. The humans thanked their Pokémon and started to drink their beverages.

Reeka kept glancing towards Jaydin, thinking why she didn't want Kate to ask him out. Barbra turned to her.

"Reeka, I have a question" Barbara said with her calm deadpan expression.

"Hm?" Reeka said as she took a sip of her drink.

"Do you have a crush on Jaydin?" She asked.

Reeka immediately spat out her drink. Her face turned completely red as her eyes turned all white.

"W-W-W-W-WHAAAAAATTT?!?!" She yelled, catching everyone's attention.

"Is something wrong Reeka?" Jaydin asked with concern.

Steam erupted from Reeka's head as she let out muffled screams. She waved her arms out rapidly. "N-N-Nothing!! Nothing at all!!"

Jaydin looked confused and wasn't fully convinced, but decided to wait and ask about it later. Reeka sighed as she figured Jaydin bought it. All the other guys seemed to catch on. The girls smirked at each other, confirming Barbara's question. But still, they did feel kinda bad.

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