Chapter 22: The Finals

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Jaydin was walking in a dark place, which was unfortunately a place he knew all too well. As he kept walking, a pair of arms suddenly held him in place. He looked up and saw his uncle with the same facial expression that terrified Jaydin to his core.

"Where do you think you're going you worthless brat?" He said with a wicked smile.

Jaydin started to shake in fear. More people started to walk up. It was none other than Jacob and his lackeys.

"Hey Haisha, it's time for your daily beating" he grinned as he and the other boys cracked their knuckles.

Jaydin was shaking in fear, unable to fight back. He wanted to call out to his Pokemon but they would never show up. He simply shut his eyes tightly while preparing to be beaten.

A bright light suddenly appeared behind Jacob. Jaydin opened his eyes and looked up. From the light appeared a person. It was a girl with long Ruby red hair and glasses.

"Reeka?" Was all Jaydin said.

Reeka shot death glares at Jacob and Robert.

"Take your filthy hands off him! And leave him alone!" She said angrily.

"Ha! You and what army?" Jacob taunted.

More figures suddenly appeared behind Reeka. They turned out to be her Pokemon as well as Jaydin's.

"This army" Reeka said.

All the Pokemon grew angry and charged up their attacks.

"I won't let you hurt my best friend!!" Reeka yelled as the Pokemon fired their attacks.

A blinding light overtook Jaydin's vision. Once the light faded, Jaydin was in a gold colored place. Reeka was also there, smiling at him.

"Don't worry, I'll never let them hurt you ever again, cause that's what best friends do" she said with a comforting smile.

Before Jaydin could respond, one final light engulfed the area. This time when Jaydin opened his eyes, he was back in the room he was staying at for the Aether Foundation Grand Prix tournament. He looked around, the whole room still completely dark. He looked over and saw Reeka peacefully asleep with Pikachu, Meltan and Charcadet sleeping next to her. He looked behind him and saw Zoroark and Marshadow soundly asleep.

Jaydin sighed with relief. He was about to go back to sleep but suddenly saw a shadowy figure quietly sneaking out the door. Jaydin quietly got out of bed and followed it.

The shadowy figure walked down the corridor until eventually stopping at a kitchen area. It walked over to a nearby vending machine. It was about to select an item but sensed something was behind it. It quickly turned around, seeing Jaydin and revealing its face.



The two briefly stared at each other in silence. Jaydin soon figured out what was going on, as he's been in this situation before.

He walked past Greninja and up to the vending machine. He pushed some buttons and a bag of chips and a bottled water dispensed from it. He motioned for Greninja to sit with him to eat their snack.

"So what's bothering you?" Jaydin asked.

Greninja was a little surprised at first but calmed down when she realized he probably knew the entire time. She sighed.

"It's just-, well...that match against Nemona really got to me, it's been on my mind ever since" she said.

"You mean when her Pokemon thought you were a boy?" Jaydin said.

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