"NO.. PLEASE.. DON'T.. LEAVE ME *he bit Wuxian near her neck* AAH.. PLEASE LEAVE ME.. DON'T DO ANYTHING TO ME.." Wuxian's eyes formed tears and tears started flowing.

Lucky enough that another disciple saw her and saved her from that monster.

~Flashback ends~

Remembering all these.. in present Wuxian's eyes already started shedding tears. She automatically gasped out of fear and automatically she said without being aware that Wangji is looking at her..

"Please.. don't do a..anything to me.. Please leave me.. I don't want this.."

Wangji left her face and looked at his Wei Ying and his eyebrows knitted together. He was visibly worried for Wuxian.

"Wei Ying.." Wangji called out worriedly.

"Please don't.. leave me.. you..you are scaring me.. leave me.. don't do it please." Wuxian said not hearing her name.

"Wei Ying.." Wangji called again.

Wangji tried to touch Wuxian's face but Wuxian cried more then Wangji left her hands and tried to calm his Wei Ying. Wangji understood that something very wrong must have happened with Wuxian previously.. he regretted his actions at that moment.

"Wei.. ok ok I'm sorry.. I will not do anything like this anymore ok.. please Wei Ying shh.. and it's me your Lan Zhan." Said Wangji.

Wangji hugged Wuxian and rubbed her back constantly. He also said soothing words to Wuxian.

When Wuxian relaxed and left Wangji then Wangji said while having tears in his eyes..

"Wei Ying.. I.. I am really sorry.. I.. I will not do anything like this further. I am so sorry Wei Ying. I didn't knew that you had faced something so... I am sorry."

"Lan Zhan.. please.." Wuxian just said these three words, nothing else.

Wangji was still on his knees infront of Wuxian, he was like this for mostly 30 minutes after all that happened.

In those 30 minutes, no one spoke a single word just few sounds were there:: birds chirping, their heartbeats and Wuxian's sniffs.
In those 30 minutes, Wuxian continuously cried.. she cried her heart out hugging Wangji. Wangji was rubbing Wuxian's back continuously.

"Wei Ying.."

"Lan Zhan.."

"Is this the reason you don't want to marry me?" Asked Wangji calmly and making Wuxian look at him.

"Y..yes.. it's not like that that I hate you or anything.
Everytime you, Xichen gege and master Lan Qiren used to visit Jiang uncle.. I used to look at you, I used to adore you from a hidden place. Whenever I used to chat with the people in the markets of Yunmeng, they always praised you and gege specially you.
The more I heard about you, your beauty.. the more I fell in love with you. I really really love you a lot. No one can imagine my love for you but.. after that incident, I felt like if I love you openly then you will be tainted because of me and I don't want that." Wuxian paused, pressed her lips together and looked down.

"Wei Ying.. I also love you a lot. I love you so much that I can even go again my own sect for you.

I promise you that from now onwards I will never do such thing which scares you. Also.. I will ask you before touching you but please don't think like that,, you will never taint me or my reputation will not be effected if I marry you or love you.

Even if the whole cultivation world points at you which I won't let happen but if happens then I will always protect you. I will always stand by your side whatever the situation is. I won't let anyone question your character.

WangXian Season 2 :- Changing The PastWhere stories live. Discover now