Chapter 10: Kotori is a spirit

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Everyone is in shock as they see Kotori is a spirit which leaves everyone stunned. Y/n is still unconscious as Jun, Emica and Kurumi stood there as Emica stare at Kotori and has a bad feeling about this.

Emica: We should retreat.

Jun: What?! Why?!

Emica: Her power is unlike I've ever seen. I believe it will be good to retreat.

Jun: Please it's only one spirit that we can deal with. We can take her.

He turn back to Kotori only to immediately dodge as Kotori came down and slammed her axe to the ground which created a burst of flames that nearly burn anyone around it.

Jun lands on his feet as he looks up and immediately blocks Kotori's strike and the two begin to dual. She fights more aggressive as her flames nearly burn his face as the two move around the roof as the two clash blades.

Kotori: Come on! Show me what you got!

Jun: You little brat. Your messing with three of us you know. Besides.....your already dead.

Kurumu appear behind Kotori and then shot her through the head as she fell to the ground while everyone is left shocked.

Shido: No Kotori!

Jun: Well that was easy.

Kurumu: (smirk) She didn't pull up much of a fight.

Jun: Yeah she didn't.

He kicked her and then he turn to Emica and mocks him by saying.

Jun: You were saying about retr-

Suddenly Kotori immediately moved by slashing at Jun which made him jump back in surprise. Kotori gets up as she then turn to them and says.

Kotori: (smirk) Now its my turn.

Immediately she appear in front of Jun and lands a punch that sent him flying and he crash into the metal railings that leave a dent. Emica pulls out his twin swords and charges at her and the two begin to have a dual.

The two moved around clashing blades very deadly and fast and then Kotori burst into flames, forcing him to leap back and then Kotori blasted him with fire.

He immediately blocks the attacks with his wings and he lands on the ground and launched dark like lash waves towards Kotori but she blocks them with her axe and then she leaps towards him and lands a blow with her axe but he catches her axe by grabbing on the handle.

The two have a struggle when suddenly Kurumu clome replicas appear and grab Kotori from behind and pulled her away as they grab hold of her while Emica walks towards her and was about to swing his sword at her when Tohka blocks it with her own.

Tokha: You won't harm anyone else!

Emica kicks Tohka back as the two begin to dual while Kotori breaks free with a fire like explosion as she turn to Kurumu and the two have a brawl while Jun gets up and immediately gets attacked by Origami as the two begin to brawl.

Jun: You again.

Origami: Always will be.

Jun blocks her attacks while Emica and Tohka clash blades as he summons his second sword and tries land a blow but she dodges it and the two continue their dual while Kotori and Kurumu fought with Kurumu summoning more and more of herself to fight Kotori.

While this is going on Shido and Yoshino stay with the still unconscious Y/n when he begins to wake up. He slowly Sat's up and shake his head as Yoshino immediately hugs him.

Yoshino: Y/n your okay!

Yoshinon: You have no idea what happened while you were unconscious.

Y/n: Like what?

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